Why do Africans have no faith in themselves?

Nov 08, 2006

SIR — I wish to comment on an article in the Sunday Vision of November 5 about the so-called brilliant politicians who do more talking than is actually required.

SIR — I wish to comment on an article in the Sunday Vision of November 5 about the so-called brilliant politicians who do more talking than is actually required.

The article about the infamous brutality of the British in handling the Mau Mau upraising should enlighten some people that the Britons too were perpetrators of violence.

But to my surprise, they are so much seen as being “holy” so much so that there is nothing that should be done by Africans on their own without the so-called international community!
We have politicians around who are so pessimistic that without the involvement of Europeans ,the Juba talks will fail! What did the deeply adored whites do in Congo in 1960-61, in South Africa up to 1990s, Mozambique up to the 1970s, Ghana in 1966?
Let Africans also try out some of these initiatives on their own and we see if they will not succeed. It is high time Africans realised their potential in dealing with their own problems because they understand them best.

P. Kaahwa Abooki

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