Church disputes Kazibwe divorce

Jul 01, 2005

THE Catholic Church still considers Eng. Charles Kazibwe and former Vice-President Dr. Speciosa Naigaga Wandira Kazibwe legally married.

By Josephine Maseruka
and Mariam Nalunkuuma

THE Catholic Church still considers Eng. Charles Kazibwe and former Vice-President Dr. Speciosa Naigaga Wandira Kazibwe legally married.

Therefore, the Catholic Church cannot allow them to divorce. It can only accept separation if reasons advanced are genuine. And even then, none of them can re-marry until death separates them.

Fr. Wynand Katende, a long-time Father Superior of Rubaga Cathedral parish, pronounced the Church’s stand in an interview yesterday.

He said the Church followed the Canon Law, which forbids divorce.

“Unfortunately, to my understanding, the Kazibwes were legally married in the Catholic Church and they have never forwarded their case before the Ecclesiastical Court that would have helped them sort out their marital problems,” he said.

Katende quoted Mark 10:10 in the Bible: “What God has put together no man should put asunder.

Whoever divorces his wife and marries another is guilty of adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she is guilty of adultery too.”

He said it was not the Catholic Church’s decision not to divorce couples but a biblical gospel by Jesus.

“So unless one of them dies, the other can’t re-marry,” Katende said.
High Court judge Eldad Mwangusya dissolved the Kazibwes’ marriage on Tuesday.

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