Nasasira, now you know about the Ssese ferry!

Aug 17, 2005

SIR — On Tuesday, the new Vision published a letter by H. Potthoff entitled “Take action, this ferry is a time bomb!”

SIR — On Tuesday, the new Vision published a letter by H. Potthoff entitled “Take action, this ferry is a time bomb!”
In May, when two ferries collided on Lake Victoria leading to the sinking of one of them, the minister of transport John Nasasira was swift in forming an investigation panel to look into the possible causes.
All we got to hear in the process was that the ferries had been sailing in a dangerous mechanical condition for close to five years and were not even insured! The ministry had never known that! I thought at this point, the ministry should have gone ahead to study all the water vessels on the lake. It appears they did not! If somebody talks of incompetence, will that person be the cause of an inevitable accident? I must say it is a disappointment for Ugandans to read Potthoff’s letter about the condition of the ferry that goes to Ssese Islands.
Now that Mr. Nasasira knows in time, we don’t want to hear of another tragedy.

Gibson Babangira

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