Kimansulo causes blindness

Aug 24, 2005

RESEARCHERS have proved what our ancestors used to tell us: Nudity can make you go blind.

RESEARCHERS have proved what our ancestors used to tell us: Nudity can make you go blind.

Yes, practically, kimansulo stays too long on the screen even after the sight is removed, to disable the person from noticing later stimuli.

A study by US psychologists found people shown kimansulo images could not process what they were seeing immediately afterwards.

Researchers called it emotion-induced blindness. For example, drivers simply do not see another car if they have just passed a kimansulo billboard.
The work, published in the Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, also found that some people were more prone to be affected by the phenomenon.

Researchers from Vanderbilt and Yale universities showed hundreds of images to volunteers. Some of the images were of “neutral” scenes while others were of sexually provocative scenes.

“People failed to detect visual images that appeared one-fifth of a second after emotional images, whereas they can detect those with little problem after neutral images,” David Zald told New Scientist magazine.

“We think there is a bottleneck for information processing. If a certain type of stimulus captures attention, it can jam up the bottleneck, so, subsequent information can’t get through.”

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