Mar 29, 2004

<b>UNBS clarifies on fake fuel<br></b>Uganda National Bureau of Standards’ (UNBS) head of imports inspection, Gyaviira Musoke, has said the body is not responsible for checking adulterated fuel.

UNBS clarifies on fake fuel
By Doreen Kansiime

Uganda National Bureau of Standards’ (UNBS) head of imports inspection, Gyaviira Musoke, has said the body is not responsible for checking adulterated fuel.
Gyaviira said the fuel usually had kerosene or water especially during shortages.
He said the energy ministry was responsible for the fuel and was going to set up a committee to cross check complaints about the poor quality of fuel.

Ten get prizes in promo
By James Odomel

UNILEVER Uganda Limited in conjunction with Super FM rewarded 10 winners in a pomotion which started last month.
Super FM’s marketing manager Kenneth Ntulume said the campaign aimed at promoting and increasing awareness of Geisha Soap in central Uganda.
He said participants buy Geisha and write letters to their mothers through the radio station.

MPs pledge to fight AIDS
By Doreen Kansiime

MEMBERS of Parliament on the social affairs committee have promised to help Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) mobilise the business community in the country to fight against HIV/AIDS.
The MPs were on a recent visit of the uncci Secretariat.
The MPs wanted to learn more about the Country Coordinating Mechanism of the Global Fund.

Auditors get global charter
By Richard Komakech

UGANDAN auditors on Friday unveiled their affiliation charter to the Global Institute of Internal Auditors which has over 85,000 members .
The Ugandan affiliation is the newest to the Florida based organisation.
“This affiliation is going to uplift the audit profession in this country,” said the chapter president, Gervase Ndyanabo.

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