Kasese has not opened after Christmas

Dec 27, 2004

SIR— I am writing to express my surprise about the way official business at Kasese district local government is run.

SIR— I am writing to express my surprise about the way official business at Kasese district local government is run.

I visited Kasese district
headquarters today December 27, and was surprised to find all offices closed, including that of the CAO and LC5 chairperson of the district local government. I have always known that
December 27, is a working day. Many people bounced at these offices in search of service.

You can imagine all the workers at the district not appearing for work in one day. How many man-hours have been lost and valued in terms of money and services?

I am reminded of Prof Apolo Nsibambi’s strong views about the use of time in the public service in Uganda — that it is a major factor hindering the development of the country.

Moses Bwambale
Kasese Town Council

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