Dad withholds funds over campus report

Oct 25, 2002

SOME parents think that anyone called a student must produce an academic report, even up to university level.

By Kiganda Ssonko
SOME parents think that anyone called a student must produce an academic report, even up to university level. Simon, who would now be in second year, was recently denied tuition by his father because he did not give him his report at the end of the academic year. Simon, who joined Makerere University in 2001, had a chance to study for one year and now faces hardships after his father became furious over a report.
“You told me that you are joining second year at Makerere, but where are your reports to show that you passed? I don’t want you to waste my money. if you have been doing other things and not studying then there is no money for you. I want a report of your promotion,” the father told the son recently.
Simon told his father, “Mzee, at the university, we don’t get reports. we are many students and our results are just pinned on the big notice boards for everyone to view. There is nothing like a report. Even if we go there together, we won’t get it.”
Mzee Mpimbaza however insisted that he would not provide any money without a report.
“You used to be a good student during your secondary school days. You would bring a report every term but these days, when we have a lot of hopes in you, you are just trying to fool us around,”
The student right now has decided to study at the university as he toils looking for fees by doing odd jobs in town, and is determined to complete the remaining two years of his course.

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