Mengo unfair to 'Vision' and 'Bukedde'!

Apr 12, 2001

SIR-I refer to a story in your New Vision of April 10, page 6, under the headline "Mengo group wants Vision apology over Nagginda".

SIR-I refer to a story in your New Vision of April 10, page 6, under the headline "Mengo group wants Vision apology over Nagginda". In my understanding, these Mengo traditionalists are being too unfair to The New Vision and Bukedde. And I should say they have a very short memory over these issues. To demand an apology from The New Vision and Bukedde which were the mouth-piece of Mengo during fundraising for the wedding of Kabaka Mutebi to Lady Sylvia Nagginda and for Twekobe is being very forgetful. During that period The New Vision and Bukedde rarely missed a day without writing about the wedding, Kabaka, Nagginda or Twekobe and this was never considered to be interference in the royal couple's privacy. As far as I know, in Buganda, announcing a pregnancy for married people is indeed joyous and after the wedding, all Baganda were waiting for only that and they deserve the right to know. There is nothing private about it. To think that if no apology is offered in seven days, Mengo would mobilise Baganda to boycott the papers is sheer madness. If Mengo thinks that Baganda are its property who can't think for themselves, I wonder why they never mobilised Baganda to buy its own paper Njuba Times yet they can mobilise them to boycott other papers. They shouldn't forget that even Dr Besigye tried the same during presidential campaigns and failed. Mengo should know that Kabaka and Nagginda are now public figures who go to public place and it is in public interest to know whatever happens to them while they are in public. Therefore, let me take this opportunity also to inform Prof Livingstone Walusimbi that his demand does not carry water. Bennet Joe Kis Kampala

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