UTODA, UBOA fleecing us!

May 15, 2001

SIR-I would like to know the economic politics behind this great and powerful men from UTODA ,UBOA and a host of their rivals in the transport industry

SIR-I would like to know the economic politics behind this great and powerful men from UTODA ,UBOA and a host of their rivals in the transport industry. Here is the problem. When the pump fuel prices go up, these big men are very quick to "adjust" the fares so as to match with the rising fuel costs. Mark you, no matter whether the increase is only ten shillings. Now fuel prices have fallen by a whole seventy shillings, nobody in this conspiracy of great men has ever thought about the common people, the citizens of this country without 'my cars', leave alone the voters! There is no justification whatsoever for UTODA and UBOA to keep the fares up, and pocketing such hefty profits. You may argue that the spares are expensive. But surely how come that before the pump prices were reduced, the transport industry was comfortable with their profit margin. Give us a break. One day the citizens of this country will rise against such broad day robbery, thanks to your correct economic politics. Or is it true that the laws of this country do not allow any government intervention in matters where the citizens are robbed at broad day light with full knowledge of the law-makers and keepers. Judas Agwel Akwap Kikuba-Mutwe, Kampala Ends

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