Needle makes man cry

Oct 12, 2001

A man who had sought treatment at Dr Ddamulira’s clinic at the new taxi park surprised onlookers when he burst out in tears after receiving an injection.

A man who had sought treatment at Dr Ddamulira’s clinic at the new taxi park surprised onlookers when he burst out in tears after receiving an injection. The man, whose name could not be readily established, walked into the clinic, complaining that he was not feeling well. Diagnosis revealed that he was suffering from malaria, and an appropriate dosage of chloroquine was immediately prescribed. That is when the drama started. The chap insisted that the chloroquine tablets were too nauseating and requested for sugar coated tablets instead, drawing the attention of those around him. When he realised he wasn’t going to get the tablets he wanted, our friend drew giggles when he demanded that he be given a syrup, like the one given to children. The nurse rejected this flatly and pulled the fellow to the injection room from where he could be heard telling the nurse to “inject slowly” and “not to look so much at his behind.” A few seconds later he emerged from the room with traces of tears in his eyes and before he could slip away, one boy in the clinic told his mother quite loudly that the man was crying just like his little sister, causing those who had suppressed their mirth thus far to burst out. The embarrassed man made haste in his get-away, escaping a taxi’s bumper by a whisker and leaving the others surprised that men also dread injections. ends

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