Ngabo boys scramble for nuts

Nov 09, 2001

Students from Ngabo Academy in Mbarara allegedly battered a photojournalist of The New Vision’s sister paper, Orumuri, for taking a snap as they fought for roast groundnuts.

Students from Ngabo Academy in Mbarara allegedly battered a photojournalist of The New Vision’s sister paper, Orumuri, for taking a snap as they fought for roast groundnuts. This happened last Sunday at Kakyeeka Stadium, during the elections of the area’ local council one chairpersons. a group of students grabbed a vendor and hijacked his basketful of groundnuts. As the basket changed hands among the hungry thieving boys, many groundnuts found their way to the ground. The boys stepped on them as they struggled to scoop them from the ground as well. The vigilant journalist pulled out his Yashika camera from his tiny bag and started shooting. No sooner had he started taking photographs than the irate students grabbed him by the neck. They took his camera and mobile phone before slapping and kicking him to the ground. After receiving the heavy blows and the helpless and ageing cameraman yelled like a baby before the LDUs on guard intervened on his behalf. The LDUs forced the furious boys to return the journalist’s camera and phone and immediately disbanded them. ends

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