Beauty survey of female MPs prove a point

May 11, 2011

EDITOR: I read with amusement a front page story about the vote for "the most beautiful MPs" in the 8th Parliament in which some male MPs even expressed their dating desires!

EDITOR: I read with amusement a front page story about the vote for "the most beautiful MPs" in the 8th Parliament in which some male MPs even expressed their dating desires!

Whoever came up with this survey must have been very brilliant because the responses simply prove a long-time allegation that some men in top positions spend time making love at work than concentrating on their duties! They must be investigated immediately.

Yes, while it is not a problem for someone to appreciate another person’s beauty, I think it is absolutely unacceptable for male MPs to start 'unleashing' their sexual desires for colleagues, worst of all in the media. What, for example, is the husband of MP Najjemba supposed to comprehend upon reading a statement like, “An MP from eastern Uganda would marry Najjemba if he wasn’t married already, and envied her husband for marrying such a beautiful woman”?

This, to me, is absolute infatuation, and such a man is capable of doing everything possible to corrupt Najjemba, given the cunning nature of men. A few years ago, an employee in one ministry assured me of how some senior Government officers routinely have sex with their female employees in their offices, something that was terribly shocking to me.

Of course one would want to say that these are adults who know what they are doing, but surely can't we have some grain of ethics and respect within us? Yes, it is said that many working class people often turn down their spouses' sexual advances because by the time they return home, they have already been 'used' by their colleagues!

Assuming our dear MPs believe this is wrong, how will they be able to investigate it if they are in the same boat? A word of advice though to the MPs who expressed admiration of their female colleagues— real beauty is in the heart.

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