Imperialism at work

Sep 27, 2011

IMPERIALISM is an economic system which is a higher economic stage of a lower economic phase referred to as capitalism. Capitalism means head.

IMPERIALISM is an economic system which is a higher economic stage of a lower economic phase referred to as capitalism. Capitalism means head.

The money used to start business is called capital, meaning head money.  The people who produce this money to start business are called capitalists.

Capitalism is a social system based on private ownership in the means of production.  It is a system that splits society into two groups. One owning means of production while the other does not.  

Both groups work but one with property uses only mental labour while the other uses both mental and physical labour and is mainly responsible for the production of all items for consumption in that society.  The one that owns wealth employs the other and pay them wages for the labour force supplied.

The tools and the raw materials used are all previously produced by labourers but all the products belong to the employer who sells them to recover the money spent in production. The money got above what was used is called profit.

Profit comes from underpaying the labourers. The worker will not understand it because all the hours they spend labouring are incorporated in the item they produced for the employer who sells it behind their backs.

The employer exchanges it with cash for the number of hours spent on it but does not share the receipts fairly with the labourer. The number of hours that have actually been paid is one thing, but the number of hours not paid for, and which represent the profit of the employer, is another. This is surplus labour unpaid for and the worker is cheated.

l The accumulation of the results of labour which was not paid for, is the first phase of imperialism.

l As this amount becomes more and more, the employer finds it imperative to stock it in an institution which comes to be known as bank.  This leads to an alliance between the industrial  units with the banking systems.  This is the second phase of imperialism.

Within the bank, there develops a tight authoritative group which controls the entire financial network of the banking system.  This is what is known as the financial oligarchy.  This is a third phase of imperialism.

Employers form unions like cartels, trusts, and syndicates which engage in regular examination as to how they operate, plus their day-to-day relations with their employees.  They become tightly collectivistic as a class.  This is phase four.

During the period of the formation of unions, they carry out international research comparing costs and receipts affecting their economic units on their own territories.  

When a syndicate, trust or cartel, finds that their production of the items on their territory is costing more than if they produced the same in another foreign territory, they decide to shift their business to a country where production can be cheaper than in their own country.  

That means the labour of a foreign country is cheaper but producing same items which can be imported in their own country from which they exported capital to the country from which they are producing them now. This phase affects people in two ways:                        

(i) Shifting capital leaves the nationals unemployed and the rest un-served.                                                

(ii) The labourers in the foreign country where labour is considered cheaper are exploited. 

This is the fifth phase of imperialism referred to as the export of capital as opposed to the export of commodities and that is its nature. 

Imperialism is monopolistic and parasitic capitalism.

It is a system based on selfish interests.

The deep desire and ambition to invest in foreign countries even leads to bravery to annex and capture those territories. This is a higher stage of imperialism referred to as colonialism.

Today, it has been overthrown but the struggle to restore it still remains as long as the economic system of imperialism is based on military powers and an economic base far more developed and advanced than those of other territories whose resources are wanted by those very imperialists.                                                                    

All the capitalist classes at the stage of imperialism today have a military force referred to as North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) ready to be used to attack any weak foreign territory where they think its resources should be of benefit to them.  

These capitalist classes govern the United States of America plus the whole of Western Europe.

Cuba’s Guantanamo was confiscated by the capitalist.

The capitalist class wanted oil from Iraq, but told a lie that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.  They conquered it and killed its president.

They have a territory called Israel in the Middle East which they have turned into a spring board, a satellite state, extended territory and a client state in order to govern and control the whole of the Middle East.  The intention in the Middle East is oil.           

They have Saudi Arabia whose Head of State and Government are never elected, but they never attack it as non-democratic because of the alliance they have with it concerning oil and neutralising the Middle East against those who would be anti-imperialist. 

They ruled South Africa under a system of racial segregation an

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