Kamulindwa keeps in the chase for MKO slot as Indiza wins Limuru Safari Tour leg

Jan 17, 2024

Kamulindwa hit 12 birdies and an eagle over the four rounds to finish joint seventh with Kenyan Mohit Mediratta, to garner 34 Safari Tour points that brought his total collection after the four legs to 111 points.

David Kamulindwa. PHOTOS: Michael Nsubuga

Michael Nsubuga
Sports journalist @New Vision

Professional golfer David Kamulindwa remained the only Ugandan player closest to making the cut to play in this year’s Magical Kenya Open after he returned one-under 287 over 72 holes, as the fourth leg of this season’s Safari Tour ended at the Limuru Golf Club, Nairobi, on Wednesday.

Kamulindwa hit 12 birdies and an eagle over the four rounds to finish joint seventh with Kenyan Mohit Mediratta, to garner 34 Safari Tour points that brought his total collection after the four legs to 111 points.

He also pocketed sh1.3m from the outing to ensure he remains motivated to produce even better scores in the remaining two legs at the Muthaiga Golf Club on January 27-31 and before the Karen one, February 3-7.

Indiza Dismas

Indiza Dismas

“It is still tight for me and Ainamani but we are still pushing on. I played fairly well but have to improve on my putting before next week’s tournament,” Kamulindwa said.

The other Ugandans who made the cut; Ronald Rugumayo and Rodel Gaita finished joint tenth with a total of one-over 289 while Abraham Ainamani tied in twelfth with C.J Wangai on 290 each.

Gaita was the better-placed Ugandan player going into the last round, in fifth but bogeyed six holes in the last round to slip backwards. But he and Rugumayo picked their first tour points (29 each) and a joint sh1.78m cash prize.

As it stands now the two must now finish at least in the top three positions in each of the remaining two events to stand a slight chance of qualifying for the Magical Kenya Open on merit.

It is instead Kamulindwa and Ainamani who stand better chances of qualifying if they also make the cut and finish in at least the top five positions in the remaining two legs, to grab the second slot for the non-Kenyans.

Kenyan Dismas Indiza who leads the standings on 213 points rallied from six strokes, going into the last round, to edge Zimbabwean Visitor Mapwanya (179.5pts) who is second, to the championship by one stroke.

Indiza who hit 20 birdies overall produced a stunning closing round of 7-under 65 to win his second event on tour and as well pocketing sh3.5m from the event. Mapwanya who also had the same birdies and an eagle picked sh1.82m.

The top eight Kenyan nationals and two foreign pros at the end of all the tours will get a chance to compete alongside established professionals in the sh4b-Prize-Money-European Tour Magical Kenya Open slated for February 22-25.

Top ten and ties at Limuru

Dismas Indiza (KE) 70 72 67 65 274

Visitor Mapwanya (ZIM) 67 67 69 72 275

Greg Snow (KE) 72 72 68 71 283

Samuel Njoroge (KE) 71 70 72 70 283

Daniel Nduva (KE) 67 73 69 75 284

Kibugu Njoroge (KE) 69 72 74 71 286

David Kamulindwa (UG) 73 72 70 72 287

Mohit Mediratta (KE) 76 67 76 68 287

John Kagiri (KE) 75 69 71 73 288

Ronald Rugumayo (UG) 72 71 78 68 289

Rodel Gaita (UG) 69 73 70 77 289

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