Empowering Tomorrow: Why engaging youth in environmental protection is key

May 22, 2024

Additionally, engaging youth in environmental protection cultivates leadership skills and fosters intergenerational dialogue. Involving them in decision-making processes, empowers them to become advocates for change in their communities and beyond. Their voices amplify the urgency of environmental action, catalysing broader societal shifts towards sustainable practices.

Helen Basuuta Nangonzi

Admin .
@New Vision



By Helen Basuuta Nangonzi

There is a Chinese adage that says; “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second-best time is now”. The wisdom in this proverb is entirely true, it explains that it is always a good time to plant trees for their endless benefits.

According to Global Forest Watch, from 2001 to 2023, Uganda lost 1.10 million hectares of tree cover, equivalent to a 14% decrease in tree cover since 2000. The loss of forest cover and the effects of climate change are intertwined issues that pose significant challenges to the country's environment, economy, and society.

Over the years, Uganda has experienced a considerable reduction in its forest cover, primarily due to human activities such as deforestation, agriculture expansion, and infrastructure development. This loss of forest cover has had several adverse effects on the country's climate and environment; the effects of climate change have turned the seasons around with the country experiencing shorter or longer rains and harsher droughts – especially in the eastern and north-eastern Uganda. 

In the wake of adverse climate change challenges, there is a pressing need for collective action to safeguard our planet's future. While strides have been made in addressing climate change through environmental conservation in line with Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the crucial voice of the youth remains underrepresented despite being custodians of tomorrow’s world.

As part of the planned activities to mark World Earth Day 2024, Absa Bank Uganda recently partnered with My Tree Initiative, a youth-led Environmental Conservation Organisation to plant and protect 300,000 trees in 300 schools across Eastern Uganda in partnership with local communities.

Under the theme "Sustainable Growing of 300,000 Trees in 300 Schools by 2025" this ambitious Schools Greening Program aims to combat climate change, promote environmental education, and awareness, and create greener campuses across school communities. The project particularly targets ten districts in Eastern Uganda: Jinja, Iganga, Kamuli, Bukedea, Bududa, Budaka, Soroti, Tororo, Kamuli and Busia.  These areas have suffered adverse impacts of extreme weather events resulting in landslides, destruction of property, and loss of lives.

This is not the first time that we are collaborating with My Tree Initiative, in 2023 we partnered with the organisation and planted 165,382 trees, sequestered 420,902 metric tonnes of CO2, and established 81 Green Clubs in schools.

Involving young people fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the environment. By actively participating in conservation projects, they develop a deeper connection to nature and a heightened awareness of environmental issues. This sense of stewardship instils lifelong values that transcend borders and cultures, creating a global community united in preserving our planet.

Additionally, engaging youth in environmental protection cultivates leadership skills and fosters intergenerational dialogue. Involving them in decision-making processes, empowers them to become advocates for change in their communities and beyond. Their voices amplify the urgency of environmental action, catalysing broader societal shifts towards sustainable practices.

At Absa Bank Uganda, we recognise the pivotal role of youth in environmental conservation. Through various initiatives, we empower young leaders to drive sustainable change within their communities.

The involvement of young people in environmental protection is not just a choice but a necessity. As stakeholders in the present, it is our responsibility to empower them to become stewards of the future. Together, let us harness the collective power of youth to safeguard the beauty and biodiversity of our planet for generations to come.

As we look towards a more sustainable future, let us not underestimate the role that young people can play in environmental protection. By involving them in our efforts, we are not only investing in a greener planet but also a brighter future for all.

The writer is a marketing and customer experience director Absa Bank Uganda

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