We don't entertain nudity, immigration says over Nwagi incident

Aug 08, 2022

“We don't entertain naked artists. We entertain performing artists”

We don't entertain nudity, immigration says over Nwagi incident

Simon Masaba
Journalist @New Vision

Musician Winnie Nwagi was turned away by immigration officers at the Ministry of Internal Affairs last week over alleged indecent dressing when she turned up seeking passport services.

Her dress code was first noticed by children who had accompanied their parents while at the ministry, according to Simon Mundeyi, the ministry’s publicist noted.

Mundeyi said the children asked their parents why she was ‘naked’. This allegedly prompted the parents to notify security who turned her away.

“We don't entertain naked artists. We entertain performing artists,” Mundeyi said while addressing a press conference at Police headquarters in Naguru on Monday.

According to Mundeyi, Nwagi donned skimpy shorts commonly known as 'hot pants', and her body was very exposed save for a jacket that had several holes.

“The dress code exposed her breasts,” he said.

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