Why LOP did not approve Byakagaba as new IGP

May 24, 2024

Byakagaba, who had already retired as Assistant IGP, was on May 17, 2024, appointed by President Yoweri Museveni to replace Martins Okoth-Ochola, who retired.

Ssenyonyi made the remarks while addressing journalists after the end of the meeting of the Appointments Committee, where he said that he could consider casting a vote in favour of the duo perhaps when they return after their contract is extended. (New Vision/Files)

Apollo Mubiru
Journalist @New Vision


KAMPALA - The Leader of Opposition, Joel Ssenyonyi, has revealed that he declined to cast his vote in favour of the appointment of Abbas Byakagaba as the new Inspector General of Police, designate and James Ochaya as the Deputy Inspector General of Police, designate.

He insisted that until the duo furnish Parliament with a comprehensive plan on how they will address the deplorable living conditions within the Force, that is when he will back their appointment.

Ssenyonyi made the remarks while addressing journalists after the end of the meeting of the Appointments Committee, where he said that he could consider casting a vote in favour of the duo perhaps when they return after their contract is extended.

He however said that such a vote too will be conditioned on how they work to end the discrimination within operations of the Force, whose actions target members of the Opposition.


New IGP Byakagaba, debuty Ocaya vetted 

Museveni appoints Byakagaba new IGP

Byakagaba, who had already retired as Assistant IGP, was on May 17, 2024, appointed by President Yoweri Museveni to replace Martins Okoth-Ochola, who retired.

Museveni also appointed Ocaya, who is the Assistant IGP and director of research and planning, to replace Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Katsigazi, whose contract with the Police was supposed to end this month. 

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