US launches new plan to address food insecurity in Uganda
Sep 13, 2024
The strategy was launched in Kampala on September 12, 2024, by the US government’s Feed the Future (FtF) initiative, led by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

The US government has launched a new five-year global food security strategy (GFSS) to reduce hunger, poverty and malnutrition in Uganda. (Courtesy photo)
NewVision Reporter
Journalist @NewVision
The US government has launched a new five-year global food security strategy (GFSS) to reduce hunger, poverty and malnutrition in Uganda.
The strategy was launched in Kampala on September 12, 2024, by the US government’s Feed the Future (FtF) initiative, led by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
A press statement by Dorothy Nanyonga, the strategic communications specialist at the US Mission Uganda, said the plan will support agriculture-led economic growth, strengthen resilience and ensure a well-nourished population.
“The programme will target interventions in northern and eastern Uganda to lift one million people out of poverty,” she said.
It identifies six key areas for intervention such as expanding access to high-quality agricultural seeds, agrochemicals and equipment; promoting inclusive agriculture, water, business and financial service delivery and helping Uganda be more competitive in trade markets.
Other areas are investing in agricultural research and development; building resilience to climate change and safeguarding natural resources; and improving nutrition, sanitation, hygiene and resilience for marginalised populations.
“Moving forward, Feed the Future investments will target 42 contiguous districts where both chronic hunger and the potential for agriculture growth is high,” Nanyonga said.
Speaking at the launch in Lira district, Mia Beers, the USAID’s deputy assistant to the administrator for the Bureau of Resilience, Environment and Food Security, highlighted the global success of the initiative, stating that since 2011, the FtF initiative has lifted 23 million people out of poverty, generated $28 billion worth of agriculture sales and deployed more than one thousand agriculture innovations.
At a gathering in Kampala with stakeholders, US ambassador to Uganda William Popp said the six agencies that make up the FtF underscore the whole of the US government approach.
It said it brings to bear their expertise and skills and their work here is emblematic of our unwavering partnership with the Ugandan people.
Indeed, the statement said, last year alone, FtF supported roughly 1.6 million Ugandans to address food insecurity and reduce malnutrition.
It said this plan highlights the US government’s ongoing commitment to partnering with the Ugandan people to reduce hunger, poverty, and malnutrition.