Uganda-DRC border traffic paralysed after Mpondwe bridge caves in

Dec 03, 2023

“We are now maneuvering with this other small bride but again it is so tricky to find a way through given the fact that it was not meant for vehicles,” he said. 

Traffic police codon premises of the collapsed bridge and control traffic movements as stranded residents watch on. (Photos by Samuel Amanyire)

Samuel Amanyire
Journalist @New Vision


Traffic especially heavy-duty trucks from Mpondwe town to Mpondwe-Lhuiriha on the Uganda–DR Congo border, has been paralysed after the Mpondwe Bridge that connects the two countries collapsed, leaving people, especially the business community, stranded. 

It is believed the bridge had already shown lines of weakness sometime back but efforts by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) to have it fixed were not sufficient. 

Patrick Juma a truck driver revealed that they have resorted to using an alternative route adjacent to the broken one although its capacity can only allow passage of pedestrians, boda bodas, and small vehicles. 

“We are now maneuvering with this other small bride but again it is so tricky to find a way through given the fact that it was not meant for vehicles,” he said. 

Bwambale Miraji a boda boda rider said they are at risk of being knocked by the heavy trucks that have resorted to using the small bridge but also stressed the challenge of congestion which leads to delays. 

“Our lives are in danger,” Bwambale said. 

Mary Mbambu a pedestrian found using the road, explained that the incident comes at a time when the holidays are around the corner, adding that this will partly affect their day-to-day running of various activities, especially paying more for transport. 

RDC speaks out 

According to Lt Maate Magwara the deputy resident district commissioner (RDC) in charge of Bukonzo County, the bridge collapsed after continuous vandalism by unruly residents searching for scrap. 

“All this was caused by wrong elements who vandalised the culverts to sell them off as scraps some months ago,” Magwara said. 

“This is going to affect the movement of people and merchandise in the meantime as we wage possible solutions,” he added.

Collapsed Mpondwe bridge hindering the movement of heavy trucks carrying merchandise to ad from DR.Congo

Collapsed Mpondwe bridge hindering the movement of heavy trucks carrying merchandise to ad from DR.Congo

Magwara revealed that they have already alerted UNRA officials to do all they can to put up an alternative bridge that will keep the heavy trucks moving since they carry merchandise to and from the DR Congo to keep the hopes of the business communities alive with a few days to the festive season. 

UNRA speaks out 

Allan Ssempebwa the UNRA spokesperson, said that immediately after coming to the know of the unfortunate incident, their team quickly went on the ground to secure the site so that people do not cross and endanger their lives, but also ensure that the diversion is passable to ensure business continuity as they work to restore the damaged section. 

“We have short-term and medium-term solutions and at the moment, we have secured the site,” Ssempebwa said. 

“Our teams are already on the ground and have mobilised more equipment from the main station and the region to start works of restoring the damaged section,” he added 

Other than the increase in the volume of water caused by the recent heavy rains, Ssempebwa blamed a few wrong elements that vandalised some elements of the culverts leading to its weakness and later collapse and appealed to the general public to treasure infrastructure put in place to serve communities. 

He, however, revealed that they have a long-term solution of putting up bigger box culverts at that section that will effectively support the drainage systems, adding that this plan has been in the pipeline and that the contractor has been identified to have this work done. 

“Once we finish these interim works, we shall immediately shift to the permanent works,” he said. 

Trucks from Uganda cross the Mpondwe Bridge to DR Congo carrying items such as cement, cattle, and other agricultural products among others, but also trucks from Congo cross to Uganda carrying timber, and vehicle spare parts among others. 

The caving in of such a crucial bridge calls for an immediate intervention to avoid interruptions in the bilateral trade between the two nations. 

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