Twins celebrate 31st birthday with special needs children

May 10, 2024

Faith Komugisha and Elinah Komugasho chose to celebrate their 31st birthday in a rather charitable way by putting a smile on the faces of the less privileged children of St. Lillian Jubilee Home orphanage in Gayaza, Wakiso district.

Faith Komugisha carrying a children standing besides Sister Lucy Amoit during the twins' 31st birthday celebration. Photo by Ritah Mukasa

Ritah Mukasa
Journalist @New Vision

Lavish birthday celebrations are all the rage these days. Many young people spend handsomely on these parties, every year. 

However, twins Faith Komugisha and Elinah Komugasho chose to celebrate their 31st birthday in a rather charitable way by putting a smile on the faces of the less privileged children of St. Lillian Jubilee Home orphanage in Gayaza, Wakiso district.

The home, managed by Sister Lucy Amoit, has existed for over 20 years and currently looks after 43 children with special needs. They need special treatment, nutritious foods and private tutorials among others.

Kyomugisha says, they chose to share the little they have with the less privileged children.

With help from Nsiga Foundation, they donated items worth sh2m. They included; soap, rice, posho, sugar, milk, pampers, toilet paper, bedsheets, clothes and cash to cover medical expenses. 

Later, the team also cooked food, served and fed the children. They also played with them and did general cleaning. 

The Nsiga Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that strives to uplift vulnerable communities in Western Uganda.

Sister Lucy Amoit said, most of the children were abandoned by their parents for having disabilities, some of which are terrifying. 

She thanked the twins for the donation and added that it came in handy because children need food and supplies to keep them going. 

“We plan to keep celebrating our birthdays with these children. Kindness is all we can give them,” Komugisha who works with Makerere University says. Her twin is a farmer.

What others say

Emmanuel Nsiga, the founder of the Nsiga Foundation; We decided to finance the twins’ charity event because it’s in line with our mission of enhancing the welfare of the less privileged, giving them hope and ending poverty.

Kanoel Mackline; I was inspired to give to the needy, feel for them and appreciate God for watching over my life.

Racheal Komuhwezi; the children’s conditions are touching. Sister Lucy needs a lot of help in taking care of these children because it’s expensive.”

Arlova Akatuhweera; we were welcomed with big smiles and hugs. The children giggled as they struggled to express their joy. It was overwhelming. These children have so much love at heart. Majority were abandoned with nothing but sister took them on even when she is not rich.

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