Serere begins sh200m road repairs after severe flooding

May 16, 2024

The road, which is going to cost the district sh200m, will save the communities of four parishes that have been suffering after water submerged their road.

Minister of state for fisheries Hellen Adoa launching the construction of Kamod Atirir corner clerk road in Bugondo sub-county. Photos by Godfrey Ojore

Godfrey Ojore
Journalist @New Vision

The recent rains have left bridges and roads in Serere district washed away, rendering transport difficult for the people.

In some sub-counties, residents must use boats to cross to other areas, severely affecting their daily lives.

On Thursday, the district launched the construction of the Kamod-Atirir road, a corner clerk road in Bugondo sub-county measuring 11 kilometres.

The road, which is going to cost the district sh200m, will save the communities of four parishes that have been suffering after water submerged their road.

A man on a motorcycle crossing the flooded road at Atiira sub-county.

A man on a motorcycle crossing the flooded road at Atiira sub-county.

“The situation is alarming especially because roads in the sub-counties adjust to Lake Kyoga. Most of them have been submerged,” said the district engineer Simon Peter Emesu.

He explained that the money the district is using for working on the roads is part of sh1bn the President earmarked for every district in the country.

Serere district woman MP who is also the state minister for fisheries, Hellen Adoa, said that sh1bn is little for Serere district.

“If we were to get sh3bn, all our roads would be motorable and cases of rains submerging some roads wouldn’t be there,” Adoa noted.

The state of roads in the Teso sub-region is alarming as most roads are not motorable. Over 15 bridges in Kapelebyong district have been washed away.

Other highly affected districts include Katakwi and Bukedea where floods forced some people from their homes.

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