Road signs and furniture: Essential public assets, not mere decorations

May 22, 2024

Road signs and road furniture are not mere decorations; they are critical components of our public road infrastructure that ensure safety, order, and efficiency. As citizens, we should treat these assets with the respect and care they deserve, recognizing that their preservation is a shared responsibility.

Jemima Nalumansi

Admin .
@New Vision



By Jemima Nalumansi

If you look around, the landscape of our streets and roads is punctuated by the presence of road signs, traffic signals, and various pieces of road furniture such as bollards, guard rails and streetlights. We even have benches along the non-motorised corridor!

Well, if you don’t see any of this anywhere, at least know that in an organised setting, these things are supposed to be part of the road and there’s probably an unfortunate reason why in some places, you might not see them. Often overlooked, these fixtures are more than just accessories to our roads—they are vital components of a well-functioning, safe and orderly community.

Road signs, in particular, are critical for ensuring public safety and efficient traffic flow. Imagine driving through an unfamiliar area without clear signage; it would be a chaotic and dangerous experience. These signs guide us, warn us of hazards and inform us of regulations. In Kampala and also other parts of the country we also have road names, to help us navigate efficiently. Missing or defaced road signs can lead to road crashes, and result several other safety hazards.

Similarly, road furniture, which includes items like guardrails, streetlights, bollards and bike racks, manhole covers, play a crucial role in enhancing the safety and usability of our streets. These elements are designed with specific purposes, from protecting road users to organizing traffic patterns / flow.

Despite their importance, road signs and furniture are often the targets of vandalism. Graffiti art, advertisement posters, theft, scrap recycling and intentional damage not only degrade the aesthetic value of our streets but also pose significant risks to public safety. Vandalism of these things can lead to road use confusion and unwanted incidents, making the road unsafe and invite further criminal activity.

The maintenance and replacement of these public assets are funded by taxpayers and does not come cheap. When vandals strike, it is the tax payer that bears the financial burden of repairs and replacements. The next time you think it is not your business, think about your PAYE! Each act of vandalism drains public resources that could otherwise be invested in improving infrastructure, education, health or other services.

Therefore, the protection of road signs and furniture is a matter of fiscal responsibility as much as public safety. Communities must take proactive measures to safeguard these essential assets. Educating residents and businesses about the importance of road signs and furniture, and the consequences of vandalism is paramount. Encouraging community pride and stewardship fosters a sense of ownership, motivating residents to curb vandalism and support local efforts to maintain and protect these assets.

Road signs and road furniture are not mere decorations; they are critical components of our public road infrastructure that ensure safety, order, and efficiency. As citizens, we should treat these assets with the respect and care they deserve, recognizing that their preservation is a shared responsibility. By protecting them from vandalism and valuing them as public property, we not only safeguard our safety but also ensure that our tax money is wisely spent on enhancing our quality of life.

Bloomberg Road Safety Project Coordinator – KCCA

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