OPM iron sheet saga sucks in more ministers

Feb 22, 2023

New Vision has learnt that some of the Government officials took advantage of the offer by the OPM for mobilisation of vulnerable groups to pick iron sheets, which they later repainted and used in the construction of personal apartments, shops, homes and schools. 

Karamoja Affairs Minister Gorreti Kitutu. File photo

New Vision Journalist
Journalist @New Vision

The Inspectorate General of Government (IGG) and the State House Anti-Corruption Unit have widened the probe into the alleged diversion of iron sheets meant for vulnerable persons. 

This was after it emerged that several Government officials reportedly picked hundreds of iron sheets from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and took them to build personal properties, while others reportedly sold them. 

The investigations come in the wake of the arrest of Karamoja Affairs Minister Gorreti Kitutu’s relatives including her mother, brother and nephew after they were reportedly found in Namisindwa district selling iron sheets destined for vulnerable people in Karamoja region.  

New Vision broke the story of the arrest of the Minister’s relatives on February 13, 2023. Deputy IGG Anne Muhairwe Twino on Sunday told New Vision that they had widened their scope of investigations.  

“We have widened our scope and we will do a thorough investigation, and anyone who was involved in the abuse of the process will be brought to book. It will not only be limited to the Minister for Karamoja. We will investigate the matter to get clarity and all those whose names have been cited will have to give clarity on why they got the iron sheets and what they used them for,” Twino said.  

It was not yet clear whether the iron sheets that were given out to top Government officials were all meant for vulnerable groups in Karamoja.

Sources who spoke to NewVision noted that they were given out under the guidance of Minister Kitutu.  

New Vision has learnt that some of the Government officials took advantage of the offer by the OPM for mobilisation of vulnerable groups to pick iron sheets, which they later repainted and used in the construction of personal apartments, shops, homes and schools. 

One of the top female politicians reportedly used their share to roof a hotel.  

 The recipients 

According to a list of recipients seen by New Vision, Minister Kitutu, who was perhaps the biggest recipient of iron sheets, got 7500 pieces on different dates last year. 

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja received 2000 iron sheets on January 7, 2023, for vulnerable families in Kakumiro and neighbouring districts. 

Speaker of Parliament Anita Among received 500 pieces, Vice President Maj. (Rtd) Jessica Alupo received 500 pieces, while Finance state minister Amos Lugolobi received 300 pieces.  

Finance Minister Matia Kasaija received 600 iron sheets in two batches of 300 pieces each. 

When contacted yesterday (February 21), Kasaija confirmed receipt of the iron sheets, saying; “I picked and absolutely put them to the right use. I donated them to a school. I am going to make accountability. If they had told us to do so, I would have done it a long time ago.”  

He wondered why top Government officials would sell or divert the iron sheets.  

“We should not play with public funds. They are meant for a certain purpose and now someone goes and diverts these iron sheets to relatives and they start selling. It is wrong,” he said.  

On July 6, 2022, the state minister for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Refugees, Esther Anyakun, was given 300 pieces of iron sheets.  

Anyakun confirmed receipt of the iron sheets. 

“My delivery was given to me last year in July. I received a call from Kitutu and she told me she was offering me 300 iron sheets. They were meant for institutions and I also have people who are affected by disaster in my district who I gave the iron sheets and they can come and verify,” she said.  

Documents show that the Minister of State for Bunyoro Affairs, Jennifer Namuyangu, received 300 pieces, Central youth MP Agnes Kirabo got 200 pieces, Finance State Minister (General Duties) Henry Musasizi 200 pieces, Finance State Amos Lugolobi received 300 pieces, while Government Chief Whip Denis Hamson Obua got 300 pieces.  

The State Minister for Agriculture, Fred Bwino Kyakulaga, was given 300 pieces, which his brother James Bwino picked on February 3, 2023, using vehicle registration UG 2519A. 

Ethics and integrity state minister Rose Lilly Akello received 800 iron sheets while Karamoja state minister Agnes Nandutu received 2000 pieces.  

Last week, Muhakanizi revealed that the alleged diversion of iron sheets against the intended purpose shall be investigated and actions will be taken against the perpetrators, including recovery and prosecution of those involved. 

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