Nebbi pilgrims close in on Kampala

May 23, 2024

On Friday, the pilgrims will resume their trek to Namugongo and stop at Wobulenzi where they will spend the night

Nebbi Catholic pilgrims praying in front of the Crucifix in Kakooge, Nakasaongola district. Pilgrims rushed to the imposing structure, fell on their knees, others on their bellies as they prayed to Jesus. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

Hannington Mutabazi
Journalist @New Vision

After a laborious footslog, covering over 30 kilometres, at 3:30 pm, Nebbi Catholic pilgrims arrived in Kakooge town from Ssaasira town, all in Nakasongola district.

On Thursday, the pilgrims covered a distance almost twice as long as the previous day's journey from Migyera to Ssaasira. Exhaustion was evident, and they laboured to reach their designated resting stop for the night.

To alleviate their fatigue, they made two stopovers to rest, refresh, and resume their trek. The first stop was at Wabigalo, a trading centre along the Kampala-Gulu highway, followed by another break in Katuugo town after a few more hours of trekking.

Nebbi woman MP Agnes Acibu carrying the cross while leading the pilgrims from Nakasongola. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

Nebbi woman MP Agnes Acibu carrying the cross while leading the pilgrims from Nakasongola. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

Fortunately, the favourable weather conditions made the gruelling 10-hour journey slightly more bearable, with the sun shining but not scorching hot, and occasional cloud cover providing some respite.

Ssaasira pitstop

After a restful night at Ssassira, by 5:00 am, the pilgrims were already up. By 6:30 am they had resumed the footslog to Namugongo. Although it was still dark, they walked majestically through Ssassira while everyone else was still locked up in the comfort of their houses.

At Ssaasira, they spent the night at St Kizito Catholic Church. Here, they were provided with tea and food which was cooked by their welfare team that always moves ahead to their next resting point to prepare food.

On Thursday, the pilgrims covered a distance almost twice as long as the previous day's journey from Migyera to Ssaasira. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

On Thursday, the pilgrims covered a distance almost twice as long as the previous day's journey from Migyera to Ssaasira. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

Unlike St Anthony Catholic Church in Migyera which had a serene, well-fenced and well-kempt compound, at St Kizito, the unfenced compound was equally huge but with grown grasses, scattered mango trees and right next to Kampala-Gulu Highway.

While there, the pilgrims who needed medical assistance were attended to. Others went wandering about in the nearby trading centre, and others rested on their makeshift beds in the classes.

Worshipping at the Crucifix

While we approached Kakooge, the pilgrims set sight on the gigantic Crucifix (a cross with an image of Jesus on it). They rushed to it and fell on their knees, others on their bellies while others touched as they prayed crying out Jesus’s name.

Their devotion was unbelievable. Just in a minute, they had forgotten about the arduous distance they had covered. Even though they looked weary, they summoned all the energy left in their tanks to pray.

Pilgrims pray while touching the Crucifix at Kakooge. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

Pilgrims pray while touching the Crucifix at Kakooge. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

The Crucifix is opposite St Anthony SS and meters away from St Jude Parish where the pilgrims will rest for the night. The Crucifix sculpture was made by the Missionary Brothers.

According to one of the bystanders I talked to, he said every time it’s the Uganda Martyrs season, pilgrims stop there to pray. On other days, it attracts a few staunch Christians and tourists.

MP hydrates pilgrims 

While at the Crucifix, Nebbi Woman Member of Parliament Agnes Acibu got a chance to talk to the pilgrims. She had joined them earlier in the trek and walked with them.

Acibu was full of praise for them, saying she was proud to be their leader and a Catholic under the Nebbi Catholic Diocese.

A man and his family were inspired by the pilgrims’ dedication to walk to Namugongo. They GOT out

A man and his family were inspired by the pilgrims’ dedication to walk to Namugongo. They GOT out

She said, “This was a journey of faith; you can see the pilgrims are dedicated and every time you see them in prayer, they get re-energised.”

Acibu was also happy with the security that was being provided by the Police and how the pilgrims had conducted themselves so far on the pilgrimage.

She handed over sh600,000 to their leaders and said the money should be used to purchase water for the pilgrims.

Over a week of trekking

The pilgrims have been on the road for more than a week. They were flagged off on Wednesday (May 15) from Nebbi by the Archbishop-elect of Gulu Ecclesiastical Province and the Bishop of Nebbi, Raphael P'Mony Wokorach.

The pilgrims have so far covered over 200 kilometres, with less than 90 kilometres to reach Kampala. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

The pilgrims have so far covered over 200 kilometres, with less than 90 kilometres to reach Kampala. Photo by Deo Kyaligonza

The pilgrims have so far covered over 200 kilometres, with less than 90 kilometres to reach Kampala.

A night of feasting

As Namugongo comes into view, the diocese has prepared a special feast for the pilgrims - a whole bull slaughtered to mark the occasion! For the past few days, their diet has been posho and beans, with 40 kilograms of beans and 80 kilograms of posho consumed daily.

But tonight, they'll indulge in a hearty and well-deserved treat, a welcome change from their usual fare.

Next stop, Wobulenzi

On Friday, the pilgrims will resume their trek to Namugongo and stop at Wobulenzi where they will spend the night before they resume again on Saturday.

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