National para-badminton team off to World Championships in Thailand

Feb 18, 2024

The assistant General Secretary of the National Council of Sports in charge of technical affairs, David Katende Ssemakula flagged off the team at Lugogo and urged the players to stay focused to achieve their goals.

National para-badminton team off to World Championships in Thailand

Silvano Kibuuka
Journalist @New Vision

The national Para badminton team has been flagged to Pattaya - Thailand for the World Championships from February 20 to 25.

The assistant General Secretary of the National Council of Sports in charge of technical affairs, David Katende Ssemakula flagged off the team at Lugogo and urged the players to stay focused to achieve their goals.

He assured them that the government is ready to fund all the players who will qualify for the Olympics, Paralympics, and the All-Africa Games.

"You are among the priority as far as the government is concerned. We know you are standing well on the continent but work harder because there are many other athletes around the world also competing to qualify," noted Katende.

He thanked Uganda Badminton Association for prioritising para-sport and making badminton the most active para-sport in the country.

The team departed Sunday and the athletes are to be in action from Tuesday, according to the CEO Mugabi.

Due to financial constraints, the team will be handled by a coach-player Ali Mukasa Kibirango who will also play in the WH2 category.

The other players are Sarah Nazziwa (WH1), Elizabeth Mwesigwa and Rose Nansereko (SL3), Hassan Mubiru (SL4) with Sumin Mutesi and Rita Asiimwe (SU5).

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