Karamoja ministers pledge to expedite transformation programmes in the region

May 22, 2024

Minister Lokeris appealed to security commanders and local leaders to continue collaborating to maintain security, eradicate criminality, and pave the way for further investment opportunities to accelerate development.

Lokeris discouraged acts of revenge among criminal elements seeking to perpetuate a cycle of criminality. (New Vision/Files)

Apollo Mubiru
Journalist @New Vision


The Ministers for Karamoja Affairs, Peter Lokeris and Florence Wamala Nambozo (State Minister) have committed to accelerating programmes aimed at transforming the Karamoja Sub-region.

During their inaugural visit to the region, the Ministers met with stakeholders in Kotido district to introduce themselves, engage in discussions, and address pressing issues.

“We came to introduce ourselves to you, the stakeholders, interact and discuss issues with a view of tackling them head-on to improve and transform Karamoja Sub-region,” Lokeris said.

Lokeris discouraged acts of revenge among criminal elements seeking to perpetuate a cycle of criminality.

He appealed to security commanders and local leaders to continue collaborating to maintain security, eradicate criminality, and pave the way for further investment opportunities to accelerate development.

Wamala Nambozo Florence, the Minister of State for Karamoja Affairs and Woman Member of Parliament for Sironko district pledged to work closely with local leaders, particularly in efforts focused on combating food insecurity, providing water for production, and ensuring compulsory education for all children.

The meeting acknowledged that the Karamoja Development Agency (KDA) requires a swift implementation to realise transformation.

Brig Gen Felix Busizoori, the Deputy Commander of 3 Division, observed that the sub-region enjoys relative peace, attributed to adherence to the existing Presidential Amnesty window, community mobilisation, and cross-border engagements.

Senior Commissioner of Police Elias Kasirabo, Commandant of the Anti-Stock Theft Unit, assured the leaders of continued support to bridge gaps by ensuring access to police services, including canine services, enhancing road checkpoints, and regulating livestock markets to curb thefts.

As a gesture of continued voluntary support for the ongoing disarmament operation, a Karacuna, Pusia Lodomosia from Jimos village, Itakwara parish, Napumpum Sub-County in Kotido district, surrendered a Sub Machine Gun (Number 06779) to the UPDF Division leadership.

Present at the meeting were Members of Parliament from North Karamoja, Resident District Commissioners, Chairpersons of District Local Governments, heads of security agencies, and opinion leaders, among others.

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