First Lady Mrs. Museveni commends Bisangwa’s book

Aug 04, 2024

The First Lady, who confessed that she enjoyed reading the book, recommended it for everyone to read because she believes it is going to impact so many married couples.

Mrs. Museveni (C) with several guests on Saturday (August 3, 2024) at Serena Hotel in Kampala during the launch of “The Heart Unrequited" a romantic fiction story that explores the romantic musings, aspirations and challenges of the early days of marriage. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

NewVision Reporter


The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni, has urged married couples to always first seek God’s guidance whenever they are faced with challenges.

Mrs. Museveni remarked Saturday (August 3, 2024) at Serena Hotel in Kampala during the launch of “The Heart Unrequited" a romantic fiction story that explores the romantic musings, aspirations and challenges of the early days of marriage.

This is one of Beat Baingana Bisangwa’s first novels that was printed this year.

“As you know, my husband and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary only last year, 2023. Therefore, as I read this book, I started feeling so sorry for Olivia as she started feeling the changes in her relationship with Okello. As she started the search for wisdom in all the various places, I empathized with her pain and wished she could just go to the place she chose to go last,” Mrs. Museveni shared in her speech.

Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo, team leader of Watoto church prays for the book. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo, team leader of Watoto church prays for the book. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

On page 49, Bisangwa writes that prayer has the power to resolve even the most difficult situation.

“Rest assured, dear friends, that God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - are on your side! Our place of victory as women is only found in Jesus, who outwits every tradition and turns cultural perceptions in our favour!"

As she launched the book, she used the opportunity to share with the guests examples from her own experience about the building blocks that opened her eyes to what marriage is about and how it can be sustained.

“The mistake of giving up on life's partner is the biggest. Children are gifts of the two partners - the father and the mother. That nothing should make one give up the struggle to ensure that whatever problems and difficulties - if the two or even one of them is prepared to fight for their marriage, there is a chance that it may survive the test of time,” Mama Janet, said.

The First Lady, who confessed that she enjoyed reading the book, recommended it for everyone to read because she believes it is going to impact so many married couples.

“It is a very well-written book, easy to read, and very interesting. It is a book that is difficult to put down once you start reading it until you are through. In fact, this very morning, I completed reading my copy,” she said.

In her remarks, Bisangwa called upon people to know that God is real, He is interested in big and small things so people should trust Him in solving their problems. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

In her remarks, Bisangwa called upon people to know that God is real, He is interested in big and small things so people should trust Him in solving their problems. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

Addressing guests, Dr John Ssenyonyi, former Uganda Christian University, Vice Chancellor, noted that the book is relatable; it counsels you without feeling offended. He encouraged people who are getting into marriage to avoid coming with expectations but instead be the ones willing to give and help.

“We spend a lot of time preparing for a wedding, not the marriage, we forget that wealth and beauty are not the things that make up a marriage.

“Hope and solutions for marriages are with the author who started the marriage. He knows what is best for you, he knows exactly where the marriage should go so always trust God in your marriage,” Dr Ssenyonyi said.

The First Lady (C), who confessed that she enjoyed reading the book, recommended it for everyone to read because she believes it is going to impact so many married couples. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

The First Lady (C), who confessed that she enjoyed reading the book, recommended it for everyone to read because she believes it is going to impact so many married couples. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

In her remarks, Bisangwa called upon people to know that God is real, He is interested in big and small things so people should trust Him in solving their problems.

About the book

The book is about the trials and triumphs of dating, finding a marriage partner and starting a young family. It touches on the traditions, sounding out marriage, gender roles, feminism and how today’s generation is busy trying to prove that women can do what men can do.

The book communicates that today countless young couples are grappling to make the right choices in a sea of confusion. With competing voices and contradictory opinions of what marriage should look like flying left, right and centre leading young lovers towards the cliffs of destruction rather than to the mountains of wedded bliss.

For instance, trying to keep her marriage together, Olivia, the main character in this romantic novel suffers in silence, struggling to maintain the façade of success she worked so hard to achieve by holding onto the idea that if God designed marriage then a happy one had to be attainable. She also sought counsel from those around her.

On the other hand, her husband Okello’s quiet persona transformed from charming to cold and then downright mean. His words cut deeper than any knife ever could that Olivia yearned for silence.

For some readers, the book is one of the best things that has ever happened to the relationship scene.

The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni, arrives for the function, prior to the book launch. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataha Museveni, arrives for the function, prior to the book launch. (Credit: Miriam Namutebi)

Baingana is a passionate advocate for women and families, dedicated to understanding gender equality and equity from a biblical perspective. She is the founder and visionary behind Rhema Women’s Space, The thriving Woman MasterClass and Rhema International Christian Schools.

Through these initiatives, Beat actively works to empower women and youth with essential life skills and by fostering a deep understanding of their identity and purpose.
As the Executive Director of the Organisation of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLAD UG), Beat is a driving force in shaping policies around sexuality and reproductive health. 

Her emphasis on making the right choices from a values-based perspective underscores her commitment to societal well-being.

The mother of six and three grandchildren has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Makerere University and two Master’s degrees, one in Agricultural Economics, which she attained from UK and the other in Organizational Leadership and Management from Uganda Christian University. 

Her diverse background and unwavering commitment to foundational values shape her contributions to various aspects of society.

Below is a highlight of pictures from the function, all by New Vision's Miriam Namutebi;

Sam Kimera entertains guests at the launch.

The author Beat Bisangwa and her father.

The author Beat Bisangwa (L), her father (R), and the First Lady.

First Lady with Beat Bisangwa, the author, Pastor Julius Rwotlonyo (left) and his wife and Rev John Senyonyi (right) and his wife.

Rev John Ssenyonyi, the guest speaker at the book launch.

Beat Bisangwa, the author.

Several guests were in attendance.

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