University Guide: How freshers can manage finances, safety at University

May 18, 2024

“Don’t play with tuition. Once you get that money, bank it immediately. Do not wait or take chances lest you give it away to thieves,” she says. 

Learn how to keep track of your finances and be frugal as well. File photo

Ritah Mukasa
Journalist @New Vision

Joining university comes with excitement and a roller coaster of emotions for some students. It is normal to be nervous, yet excited about the beginnings. However, sometimes, this comes with a can of challenges.

Vivian Achiro, a third-year student at Kyambogo University, was too excited to join campus hoping to enjoy freedom after boarding school life, however, what she found on the ground was different. 

Achiro is pursuing a Bachelor of community development and social justice. 

“I had the freedom, but the pressure to attend lectures, complete coursework on time, read for tests and examinations was so immense that I barely had time for myself,” she says.

You can also crotchet and sell neck warmers, gloves and other items. Photo by Ritah Mukasa

You can also crotchet and sell neck warmers, gloves and other items. Photo by Ritah Mukasa

Amidst the stress, she also had to ensure she was safe, healthy and financially stable.

“Some of my friends started drugs due to depression and others jumped on the bandwagon,” she says adding; “I survived because I was focused on my studies and aspirations,” she says.

Faith Kyomugisha, an administrator at Makerere University, advises freshers to be cautious about their safety and that of their property, including tuition.

“Don’t play with tuition. Once you get that money, bank it immediately. Do not wait or take chances lest you give it away to thieves,” she says. 

The same applies to your pocket money and belongings while in the lecture rooms and where you stay.

Also, Donna Keirungi, a warden at Makerere University, keeps reminding her students to avoid bad company.

“You can spend three or more years at campus and leave with nothing if you choose to live recklessly,” she says.

How to enjoy financial independence

With financial independence, comes financial responsibilities. Remember your parents might not be able to take care of everything. You will have to learn to keep track of your finances and be frugal as well. 

Kyomugisha says some students struggle to buy handouts, food and clothes.

“I always counsel students to persevere and be frugal. Instead of offering sex to get money, at least start a small business,” she says. 

Part-time jobs are another great way to earn some extra cash as you gain work experience.

In addition, she says self-worth is important. Know where you come from and what you want in life. This will help you keep on track. Also, be content with what you have and avoid competition.  Competition has pushed many students; both female and male into harm’s way. Be you and the rest will adjust.

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