Former minister Victoria Sekitoleko calls for collaboration between creative and agricultural sectors

Oct 28, 2023

She emphasised the importance of filmmakers organising themselves into a recognised body like a federation to amplify their voices.

Former minister Victoria Sekitoleko addressing filmmakers at the Women In Film Business Summit at the National Theatre on October 26, 2023. Photo by Hussein Kiganda

Hussein Kiganda
Journalist @New Vision
Former agriculture minister Victoria Sekitoleko firmly believes that the creative industry and the agricultural sector can mutually foster each other's growth through collaboration.
Addressing filmmakers at the Women In Film Business Summit held at the National Theatre on October 26, 2023, the agribusiness expert talked about the potential of creatives to uplift the agricultural sector through their storytelling and advocacy methods, and vice versa.
"Enhancing the role of creatives could significantly bolster the agribusiness sector, as the creative industry can provide substantial support to agriculture. Similarly, the agricultural sector retains the capacity to aid the creative industry through financial backing and other forms of assistance," Sekitoleko said.
She emphasised the importance of filmmakers organising themselves into a recognised body like a federation to amplify their voices.
With such unity, Sekitoleko envisioned a seamless collaboration between the film industry and agriculture, leading to coordinated development.
"You need to establish your own federation, and I am confident you will achieve it. With your own federation, you will be able to advance to another level and can collaborate with other sectors, such as agriculture, for development," she advised the filmmakers.
Sekitoleko emphasised the necessity of government support for the creative industry and assured her commitment to engaging relevant authorities for assistance.
Furthermore, she provided female attendees with valuable advice on fostering success and growth in their careers and businesses. She encouraged more women to join the creative sector, maintain professionalism, and disregard negative energy around them.

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