Clark International University eyes charter status

Mar 15, 2023

This was revealed by the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Rose Clark Nanyonga at the university's graduation ceremony on Saturday. 360 students graduated after completing studies in various disciplines.

The Vice-Chancellor, Dr Rose Clark Nanyonga

Vision Reporter
Journalist @New Vision

Clark International University, formerly International Health Sciences University is pursuing all the necessary processes to obtain a Chartered Status, which is considered a mark of professional competency.

This was revealed by the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Rose Clark Nanyonga at the university's graduation ceremony on Saturday.

According to the Universities and other Tertiary Institutions Act, a charter is “granted by the President as evidence that the university meets the requirements and standards of academic excellence set by the NCHE.”

Furthermore, according to section 103(a) of the same Act 2001 as amended; a chartered university means a university that is comparable to a public university.

The new Chancellor, Prof. Moses Galukande

The new Chancellor, Prof. Moses Galukande

"We know the future of CIU is bright but to ensure that the university continues to thrive, we seek to pursue a charter. We have strived to fulfill the requirements of the National Council of High Education (NCHE) for the Charter including key areas such as a committed founder, sound governing structures, robust infrastructure, human resources, growth in the programs, students services, research output, and financial health," Nanyonga said.

Students celebrate after graduating

Students celebrate after graduating

"As the highest endorsement from the National Council of Higher Education and the President Of Uganda, the charter is critically important in safeguarding the future of our graduates and our alumni, in strengthening the portfolio of our teaching faculty, research scientists, and our staff, enhancing our competitiveness in the country and the region, increasing opportunities for funding and students loans as well as attracting new talented students to our programs."

Nanyonga also thanked the NCHE for the support and guidance they have received in the process of acquiring a charter.

"We continue to appeal to them for a timely review and decision on our application.  Mr, President, we have worked hard and I assure you, sir, it will be a great Honour for those efforts to be recognised and it is our collective hope that our application will find favour before you," she said.

The founder of the University, Dr. Ian Clarke

The founder of the University, Dr. Ian Clarke

Meanwhile, the University has installed Prof. Moses Galukande as the new chancellor. Prof. Galukande is an expert surgeon who has provided leadership in health profession education in various capacities over the past decades. 

He is also the Chair of the Department of Surgery in the School of Medicine at the College of Health Sciences, Makerere University, and a Fellow of the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa.





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