Rwanda's Mike Kayihura thrills fans at Guvnor's Mics of Kla event

May 25, 2024

Kayihura opened his set with Elevated, a song that immediately resonated with the crowd. His soulful voice and charismatic presence drew everyone in, creating a sense of unity and shared joy.

Rwandan singer Mike Kayihura performing at Club Guvnor on May 24, 2024. Photo by Ignatius Kamya

Roy Nakyobe
Journalist @New Vision

On Friday, May 24, Guvnor club in Kampala in Industrial Area buzzed with excitement as it hosted the inaugural Mics of Kla event.

The inaugural celebration, featuring the
talents of Rwandan singer Mike Kayihura, promised an unforgettable night of music, fashion, and culture.

The evening was expertly orchestrated by Sammy Wetala, the mastermind behind Mics of Kla.

Wetala’s vision for the event was to create a vibrant atmosphere that celebrated not just music, but the unique blend of fashion and culture that defines Kampala.

"We travelled all the way to Rwanda to pick this gem because he is an amazing performer behind the mic. We are here to celebrate culture, fashion, and people who appreciate the same kind of music. There is no better place to do it than at East Africa’s number one-night spot, with the biggest don in town, Don Julio (a  brand of tequila),” said Wetala.

As the clock struck 10, the venue began to fill with eager fans. Conversations buzzed with anticipation and excitement. The stage was set, and the lighting created an ambiance that was both intimate and electrifying.
The crowd, a blend of Kampala’s diverse and dynamic populace, was ready to be enchanted by Kayihura's performance.

Mike Kayihura, a name synonymous with musical brilliance, was the perfect choice to headline the first episode of Mics of Kla. His unique gift for playing with the microphone and his ability to connect with the audience on a personal level made him an ideal fit for the event.

As he took to the stage, a wave of applause greeted him, signalling the beginning of a night that would be etched in memory.

Kayihura opened his set with Elevated, a song that immediately resonated with the crowd. His soulful voice and charismatic presence drew everyone in, creating a sense of unity and shared joy.

The energy in the room was palpable, each note and lyric weaving a tapestry of emotions that transcended the ordinary.

Next came My Only Baby. His ability to blend different musical styles and deliver them with such passion and precision left the audience in awe. The song's uplifting message and catchy rhythm had everyone on their feet, dancing and singing along.
It was clear that Kayihura had a deep connection with his audience. His performance was not just about the music; it was about creating a shared experience, a moment of pure, unadulterated joy.

The event met the fans expectations.

Emma Uwase, a party animal, said, she never felt cheated.

“I never felt cheated at any point, Kayihura sang every song of his I know and I also tasted Don Julio margarita, she said.

As the crowd slowly dispersed, there was a sense of fulfillment and anticipation for what Mics of Kla and Don Julio would bring would bring next.

Mike Kayihura’s performance had not only filled Guvnor with music, but had also filled hearts with memories that would last a lifetime.

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