King Saha, DJ clash during Kololo performance

May 25, 2024

When the DJ played a Warafiki song, this caused chaos at the DJ’s booth as Saha got pissed and asked Fikie why he was wasting his time.

Every Monday, King Saha (pictured) hosts a night at his King Spots Bar in Nkumba on Entebbe Road. File photo

Andrew Kwagala
Journalist @New Vision

On Monday, May 20, King Saha was among the artistes who were scheduled to perform at the African Monday theme night at H2O Lounge and Restaurant in Kololo, Kampala, alongside Fik Gaza, Flona and Warafiki Girls.

The venue was full as guests eagerly awaited the performances, which started at 2:00am with Flona, much to the chargrin of King Saha.

He had wanted to be the first to perform, but the host of the night, DJ Fikie, would not hear of it.

It all started when King Saha came in with a group of about 10 people and remained backstage. He then asked DJ Fikie to be considered to perform first as he wanted to leave. There were no clear reasons for his request. However, every Monday, King Saha  hosts a night at his King Spots Bar in Nkumba on Entebbe Road. So, there could have been a time conflict.

However, Fikie told him to wait, saying two other artistes would perform before him.

Fikie decided to go on with his running order of the performances by introducing Flona first.

Saha  told Fikie to announce him as the next performer immediately after Flona.

Fikie, however, stood his ground and told him to wait for the Warafiki girls to finish their performance of two songs.

When the DJ played a Warafiki song, this caused chaos at the DJ’s booth as Saha got pissed and asked Fikie why he was wasting his time.

 King Saha’s team took the microphone and brought it to him, pressuring the DJ to pause the Warafiki song.

He immediately played King Saha’s song, Gundeenze. The audience went crazy by screaming upon hearing Saha’s song, but Fikie ordered the DJ to stop the song and continue with the programme of the night.

The Warafiki song was played, but this act made King Saha bitter with Fikie.

King Saha decided to move out with his group and gave the microphone to one of his guys to take it back as he was moving towards the entrance. 

Fikie followed him, asking why he was leaving the bar without performing, but he didn’t want to hear anything.

When asked whether King Saha had been paid for the performance, Fikie replied in the affirmative. He went on to say he had too much love and respect for Saha because he enjoys his music, but he was disappointed by his behaviour.

Once King Saha left the place and the Warafiki girls continued with their performance,  Fik Gaza closed the performance at around 3:00am.


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