Ugandan inspired Christmas- themed movie to debut in cinema

Nov 02, 2023

Lately, it feels like we've lost touch with the joy and happiness that Christmas used to bring. In urban areas, the day often passes like any other. 

Ugandan inspired Christmas- themed movie to debut in cinema

Hussein Kiganda
Journalist @New Vision

Uganda is eagerly anticipating a Christmas-themed movie, titled "Ssekukkulu,

The movie, produced by Sharon Ishimwe, slated to debut at Century Cinemax Acacia Mall on December 8, 2023.   It aims at showcasing the diverse experiences and behaviours of Ugandans during the festive season.

In an interview with The New Vision, Sharon Ishimwe disclosed that her inspiration for creating "Ssekukkulu" stemmed from her young niece's innocent query about the timing of Christmas, having observed its celebration a day earlier

Moved by this incident, Ishimwe expressed her desire to revive the joy and merriment associated with the holiday season, which seems to have faded in contemporary urban settings.

"Lately, it feels like we've lost touch with the joy and happiness that Christmas used to bring. In urban areas, the day often passes like any other, leading my young niece to inquire on Boxing Day when Christmas would finally arrive.

Her innocent question deeply touched me, prompting my decision to create this film," Ishimwe said.

Ishimwe envisions that the film will provide an opportunity for Ugandans to engage with their local narratives, offering a refreshing departure from the traditional Christmas movie fare, including classics like "Home Alone," "Elf," "A Christmas Story," and "The Snowman." Additionally, she aims for "Ssekukkulu" to become a seasonal staple akin to Philly Bongole's beloved Christmas songs.

Furthermore, Ishimwe shared that the movie's soundtrack, titled "Christmas," will be unveiled on the same day, composed by Karz Kasozi. The ensemble cast includes renowned names such as Sarah Kisauzi, Cleopatra Koheirwe, Bwanika Baale Felix, Mark Agume, Marvin Ngobi, among others.


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