Precision Agri Africa’s engagement with the Ministry of Agriculture in Uganda

Oct 13, 2022

The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Industries of the Republic of Uganda have secured and formally endorsed Precision Agri Africa as a partner in the Agricultural Sector.

Mr Bertus Brink- Chairperson Precision Agri Africa

NewVision Reporter
Journalist @NewVision

The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Industries of the Republic of Uganda have secured and formally endorsed Precision Agri Africa as a partner in the Agricultural Sector. The Government of Uganda in its ongoing efforts to improve the lives of ordinary Ugandans are entering into this multifaceted agreement to improve supply of goods and services to the vulnerable along the agriculture value chain. In addition to improve the returns of Ugandans in the agricultural sector. The agreement when rolled out into practical services will see improvements in the fight against post-harvest losses suffered by farmers and the increased, accessible availability of mechanization, fertilizer, training, and information to the agricultural sector leading to increased agricultural production yields thus more income for farmers and the country.

Precision Agri Africa is a company active in the agricultural space with a record of accomplishment in Agri operations in several African countries. Board Chairperson Bertus Brink commented:  The partnership between the Government of Uganda and the Precision Agri Africa will see great improvements in the income of small-scale farmers in Uganda due to reduced post harvest losses and increased productivity and crop yields. The roll out of storage facilities will also see increases in amounts and quality of grain available for export to neighboring countries from Uganda. The company is proud of this milestone achievement and thank the various government departments and local partners in Uganda (A Plus Associates Ltd) for their extraordinary efforts to make this happen.

Mr Bertus Brink- Chairperson Precision Agri Africa and the President of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Mr Bertus Brink- Chairperson Precision Agri Africa and the President of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Honorable Frank Tumwebaze reiterated that the solutions and products to be provided, guaranteed by Precision Agri Africa to match international standards, will go a long way in solving the farming constraints faced by Ugandan farmers.

The Minister of State for Animal Industry in the Ministry of Agriculture, The Honorable Bright Rwamirama commented: The engagement will see Precision Agri Africa operating huge out grower schemes to support its nucleus production and post harvest systems.

Precision Agri Africa awarded the contract for the amalgamation and arranging of the multifaceted funding program to facilitate the various aspects of the investment agreement to Pallatyne Trade Advisory.

The first phases of construction are envisaged to start during 2023.


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