'Our mistakes caused the deadly OBR clash with security in Kasese'

Aug 07, 2023

Kabbyanga, who was also a leader in OBR, said they divided themselves into three groups with contradicting intentions.

ICT and national guidance state minister Godfrey Kabbyanga addressing NRM leaders. Photos by Samuel Amanyire

Samuel Amanyire
Journalist @New Vision

Mistakes committed by then leaders of the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu (OBR) culminated into a deadly clash between security organs and militia (royal guards) in 2016, ICT and national guidance state minister Godfrey Kabbyanga has said.

The clash resulted in the arrest of Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere and his subjects, but also left 55 people dead, including 14 policemen and 44 militias.

Kabbyanga made the remarks during the Kasese National Resistance Movement (NRM) party leaders' meeting held in Kasese municipality on Sunday.

Kabbyanga, who was also a leader in OBR, said they divided themselves into three groups with contradicting intentions.

“I have been in OBR leadership for a long time and whatever mistakes we did, we did them as leaders. We had three groups, but unfortunately, each group didn’t know the intention of the other. We had a group of politicians whose intention was to use the institution to win elections. There was another category of old men whose original intention was to create a state (YIRA state) then there were those: the likes of Dr Walemba whose intention was an issue of a pure cultural institution intended to identify the bayira and this was the most genuine group,” he said.

He added that the different intentions and ideologies among the three groups not only confused the public but each group felt betrayed.

“So, we would all be in the vehicle of cultural identity, but with different intentions and we ended up confusing the population,” he added.

Never more

Kabbyanga, however, pledged that they will never repeat the mistakes that tarnished the reputation of the kingdom as they long to have a rebranded Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu.

“The first mistake you can say you were misled, but the second one is intentional and unforgivable and that’s why we are seeking forgiveness,” Kabbyanga said.

On June 13, 2023, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) dropped all charges imposed on King Charles Wesley Mumbere and his 217 subjects.

The move gave Mumbere, whose movements around the country had been limited to the central region, the liberty to access his kingdom after seven years. 

OBR has instituted a committee responsible for the king’s homecoming as they long to have a rebranded institution set on five elements, according to Dr Nathaniel Mumbere Walemba, the chairperson of the Omusinga homecoming committee.

“We are focusing on five key issues: Reconciliation, unity, peace, social-economic transformation and mindset change,” Walemba said.

“Anyone who will not be doing things in line with the five elements is not wishing us well and not for us,” he added.

Kasese Resident District Commissioner Lt. Joe Walusimbi said the Government is ready to co-operate with OBR, especially protecting the Omusinga with UPDF, not the kingdom royal guards like it was in the past.

OBR is currently on a campaign to solicit shillings nine billion from loyal subjects and well-wishers to cater for the Omusings homecoming, purchase of a business house and forthcoming anniversary coronation all slated to happen in October 2023.


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