Handle UK sanctions diplomatically, FDC tells govt

May 07, 2024

Among added that she does not need a visa to go to the UK because she has a ‘permanent passport’ to Bukedea, her home district, and Buyende where her husband, Moses Magogo comes from.

Anita Annet Among, Speaking in Parliament during plenary. (New Vision Archive)

Mayiga Muzamilu
Journalist @New Vision


The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has urged the Government and Parliament to handle issues related to sanctions slapped on the Speaker of parliament and two former ministers with seriousness.

Last week, the UK Government, through its deputy foreign secretary, Andrew Mitchell, slapped sanctions related to travel bans and account freezing on Speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among and two former ministers for allegedly engaging in corruption.

According to the UK statement, Among former Karamoja affairs ministers Mary Gorret Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu benefitted from the proceeds of corruption in the Karamoja iron sheet saga.

However, Speaker of Parliament Among has since said the sanctions instituted against her and two other former ministers by the UK are politically motivated.

Speaking in Parliament during plenary on Friday, May 3, 2024, Among said she is carrying the cross for the 48 million Ugandans and blamed homosexuals for being behind the travel ban.

“All this I know is because of the anti-homosexual law that we passed as Parliament. This is the beginning and I know other things are coming under the pretext of corruption, theft, and others but we serve a living God. We shall not allow homosexuals to go against our values and cultures. If they want, let them go to their countries. The law is there and it will be implemented,” she said.

Among added that she does not need a visa to go to the UK because she has a ‘permanent passport’ to Bukedea, her home district, and Buyende where her husband, Moses Magogo comes from.

She requested other countries to respect the sovereignty of other countries.

However, FDC spokesperson John Kikonyogo during the weekly party media briefing on Monday, May 6, 2024, said when the matter was brought before Parliament, most legislators and ministers took it lightly yet it was a serious matter.

He asked the relevant authorities to handle this matter diplomatically to avoid negative impacts.

Weaponised and ill-intentioned

However, the Government on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, termed the decision by the UK to issue sanctions as weaponised and ill-intentioned.

Henry Okello Oryem, the state minister for foreign affairs (International Affairs), said the UK should not have issued sanctions based on allegations.

According to Oryem, “That is wrong. Wrong. These were allegations. How can they judge the Speaker and the former ministers through allegations? The Ministers are before the courts of law and they will decide on their guilt or innocence. Why don’t they wait for judgement?”

He noted that they were going to engage the UK government over the matter.

“It is unfair sanctions. They have weaponised sanctions as usual, it’s very unfortunate that this is a bullish attitude. These are allegations and we should have allowed the due course of law to take its course and once they are found guilty, then they can take action on them.  For them to sanction them is an abuse on the face of Uganda and it is as if our judiciary does not work. I feel offended by this. Who are they to question our independent judiciary? We find this unacceptable,” Oryem added.


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