Woman in Arua delivers outside market
Mar 02, 2022
Lucky Atizuyo who travelled in a pickup to buy a basin and other delivery items for her baby was faced with labour pain before she could access the market.

Lucky Atizuyo, 23, delivered outside Ejupala Market in Arua City. (Credit: Robert Ariaka)

Robert Ariaka
Journalist @New Vision
ARUA - A 23 year old mother who travelled from Lazebu parish in Logiri Sub County to Ejupala Market in Vurra Sub county Arua district delivered her baby immediately on disembarking from the car.
Lucky Atizuyo who travelled in a pickup to buy a basin and other delivery items for her baby was faced with labour pain before she could access the market.
She delivered a baby boy on Wednesday at around 8:00am. Speaking to our repoter after delivery, Atizuyo said she started feeling pain and decided to go to a nearby bathing shelter in Ejupala trading center.
Before entering the shelter, the baby head was seen coming out forcing Atizuyo to deliver outside the shelter.
Scovia Ayikoru, a nurse in a private clinic in Ejupala trading center who was equally going to buy food items in the market found Atizuyo struggling alone and helped her deliver.
The mother was placed on a wrapper she had picked with her and delivered the baby safely.
According to the nurse, the mother was in a normal state without any complication but only felt weakness after experiencing bleeding.
“I was going to the market and found the woman had bent over and the baby's head was already out, I decided to help her deliver without a glove because I had nothing to wear,” Ayikoru said.
According to Ayikoru, the baby boy is normal as she did not weigh her but prepared her for referral to Anyavu Health Center II for further management.
Cases of women delivering at homes and road sides have become common in the area, said Ayikoru.
She advises expectant mothers to remain home or visit the nearest health facility when their days are due.
Atizuyo, who delivered a baby boy, says this is her second child. She delivered the first child in Anyavu health center II.
“I did not know my day was due, I was coming to buy delivery items only to be faced with labour pain,” Atizuyo said.
Felix Eyoma, the trading center chairman Ejupala rushed to her aid after delivery, and bought her a towel, soap, baby jelly and some clothes.
Meanwhile in August 2018, a pregnant mother identified as Christine Dawa, a resident of Awindiri in Arua hill division in Arua Municipality gave birth to a baby boy by the roadside near the fence of Uganda Revenue Authority in Arua town.
Dawa’s Labour pain started early in the morning but she delayed to proceed to the hospital only to be hurried in the evening when the Labour pain had increased.
She was carried on a Bajaj motorcycle from Awindiri one kilometer to Arua regional referral hospital, however, before reaching Arua hospital, Dawa delivered on the road.
Dawa, who gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, delivered at around 6:30 pm on a Wednesday. During the delivery, several women gathered and surrounded her as they helped her out to safely deliver the baby.
After delivery she was rushed to Arua Hospital for further management.
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