Notice from Save the Children

Dec 03, 2020

Construction of Classrooms, Latrines and Teacher’s Accommodation at Abirimajo P/S, East Alipi P/S, Hope P/S, Knowledge Land P/S, Kulikulinga P/S, Kurunga P/S, Okuyo P/S, Kado P/S, Kumia P/S, Twajiji Hope P/S; YUMBE DISTRICT

The Government of Uganda (the Recipient), represented by the Offi ce of the Prime Minister (The Project Executing Agency) received a grant from the Government of the Federal Repulic of Germany, represented by German Federal Ministry of Development and Economic Cooperation (BMZ) through KFW, in the amount of Euro 10 Million towards the cost of the Refugee Response Fund. RRF is partly implemented by Save the Children Germany. Save the Children (the Implementing Agency) intends to apply part of the fund to cover eligible payments for Constructions in Yumbe District as follows: CLICKHEREFOR MORE ON THIS NOTICE 



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