Govt bans mini skirts, long nails

Jul 04, 2017

Female workers who love stepping out wearing accessories will be affected by the new rules as accessories like chandelier earrings have been banned.


The Government has issued strict dress code guidelines for civil servants, which it says is intended to check rising cases indecent clothing at the work place.

A statement issued by the ministry of public service highlighted 14 guidelines for all holders of public service jobs, among other outlawing brightly coloured trousers, and open shoes for men.

It is now criminal for women to appear at the work place in sleeveless tops, and in tight fitting dresses and skirts.

Female civil servants who love stepping out wearing accessories will also be affected by the new rules as accessories like chandelier earrings have been banned.

Justifying the guidelines, a statement signed by Public service permanent secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire said: "Paragraph 4 of Section F-J of the Public Service Standing Order 2010 stipulates that at a public officer is required to dress decently and in a manner generally acceptable in the Uganda community.

It has, however, been observed that public officers have continued to dress in a manner that does not portray a good image of the service and does not fall within the general acceptable standards of the community."

Outlawed for women

Tinted or bright coloured hair, braids and hair extension

Flat shoes (except under medical prescription)

Blouses that expose cleavage

Dresses and skirts above the knees

Long nails with more than three centre metres, bright nail polish or multicolored nails

Too much make up

Outlawed for men

Tight fitting trousers

Open shoes (except under medical prescription)

Anything other than black or shoes is not allowed

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