Wonders of zinc food to a man

Oct 26, 2016

Zinc is necessary for many of the body’s processes and most people are chronically deficient in this vital mineral.

Pumpkin seeds very rich in zinc

For a man to be a man, a healthy diet is very paramount. The food you eat is crucial for sexual health, from erection strength to sperm motility. Research indicates that some specific nutrients — from common vitamins to lesser-known plant extracts — that have demonstrated positive effects on very specific aspects of penile performance. Zinc is one of the nutrients.

Zinc is necessary for many of the body's processes and most people are chronically deficient in this vital mineral. It is an active agent in our body's ability to metabolize food and nutrients.

Zinc supports your sense of smell and is commonly linked to healthy eyes, skin and hair. We must ensure that we get enough zinc in our diet, potentially from zinc supplements, as the body does not naturally have a zinc storage system.

Pumpkin seeds

Not only are they extremely high in zinc, pumpkin seeds also play a role in the prevention of prostate cancer. Pumpkin seeds also support immune system health. For maximum zinc-intake, the seeds should be eaten raw, as roasting them can deplete zinc intake.

Pumpkin seeds boost testosterone levels and growth factor hormone, especially when combined. The seeds are also a rich source polyunsaturated fatty acids shown to boost prostaglandins — hormone-like substances that play a key role in libido.


This pungent bulb offers moderate levels of naturally occurring zinc, and is easy to incorporate into almost any meal. Garlic is also a great food for detox that contains high levels of manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C and selenium.

Sesame seeds

Raw, toasted or ground into tahini butter, sesame seeds hold around 10mg of zinc per 100g serving. Try incorporating more hummus (a tahini-butter-based Middle Eastern dip) into your diet, or even consider replacing wheat flour with sesame seed flour in your baked goods or breads.

Watermelon Seeds

It may seem strange, but dried watermelon seeds have 10mg of zinc per 100g serving.

Wheat Germ

An excellent additive to sprinkle on your salad, toasted wheat germ offers 17mg of zinc per 100g serving. This is over 100% of the recommended daily allowance.

Squash seeds

Another popular Middle Eastern seed, squash seeds contain around 10mg of zinc per 100g serving. You can remove the seeds directly from the squash and eat them raw, or dry or roast them in your oven. I prefer raw.


A 7 ounce serving contains about 2.8mg of zinc. They also contain folate and are high in protein and dietary fiber.

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