Celebrating Madiba

Jul 17, 2016

The words kept re echoing at Serena Conference Centre, where he was presenting a lecture to mark the 98th birthday of South African iconic leader Nelson Mandela’s birthday, to be celebrated marked on July.18"

" Madiba's footprint is deeply carved on the rock face of the history of our continent and burnished into the minds of peace loving people around the world",  South African freedom fighter Mac Maharaj said.


The words kept re echoing at Serena Conference Centre,  where he  was presenting a lecture to mark  the  98th birthday of South African iconic leader Nelson Mandela's birthday, to be celebrated  marked on July.18"


Men and women, all over the world, right down the centuries, come and go. Some leave nothing behind, not even their names. It would seem that they never existed at all."  Maharaj quoted Mandela in his presention.


In an emotional recollection on the life and times of Nelson Mandela, he said several unique attributes stand out.

Prominently was that he was a man of action and with a strong vision. "He was driven by a firm belief and commitment to Africa's freedom, to empowering the people to shape their own destiny, and to the world-wide struggle to eradicate poverty." Maharaj said.


Mandela, gave his life to fighting apartheid in South Africa and could not waver for a single minute despite a difficult life for 27 years in jail.


His footprints is indelible in the minds of many and three years after his death, his stories inspires millions around the World.


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