Why we should ignore allegations against Gen. Kale Kayihura

Mar 11, 2016

General Kale Kayihura, therefore, should just ignore the imperialist demand that he should be subjected to a pro-imperialist ICC.

By Kajabago-ka-Rusoke

It has appeared in the mass media that the Inspector General of Uganda Police, Gen. Kale Kayihura, has made mistakes which he should answer for under what is referred to as an International Criminal Court.

Under objective political analysis a court is a comport of a country's state apparatus alongside other components like head of state cabinet of ministers, Parliament, Judiciary civil service, Army, Police and Prisons. When, therefore, talk is about an International Criminal court, of which international state apparatus is this one?

It has been described as a court of 123 countries which belong to the United Nations Organisation. Do they have a state apparatus of which this one is component?

Secondly, a state apparatus belongs to either a political party or a ruling class, like masters above slaves, feudalists above tenants, capitalists above workers, colonialists above colonial people. Where is a state that belongs to these 123 world countries? When a state is running concomitantly with law, their functions are always mainly three.

(i)  To reflect the social and economic intentions of the ruling class.

(ii)     To implement those intentions.

(iii)         To suppress the economic and social intentions of the ruled class.

The United Nations Organisation is made up of countries with different ideologies based on the type of economic system by each member country. Then it has a security council also made up of countries with different economic systems and ideologies.

Any member country of the Security Council can veto what it considers an incorrect resolution passed by the very assembly of those very countries of the same Organization. This is why the organization is amorphous. Political law is the sum - total of obligatory and compulsory standards of behavior and conduct acceptable only to the ruling class.

Which class now unites all these 123 countries in order that they agree on common obligatory and compulsory standards of behavior and conduct in order to organize the world in favor of all? The most highly placed imperialist country in the world, the USA, does not belong to the ICC. That was why when U.S.A President Bush (Junior) and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair wanted to loot oil from Iraq (i) told lies that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (ii) Murdered the country's Head of state and (iii) began looting oil in that country.

Those were vivid crimes and none of the 123 countries demanded any act to be taken against those two criminals. This is an indication that in general the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries are above the status of the ICC and the ICC is operating in the name of the countries exercising the economic system of imperialism as a higher stage of capitalism at a global level to subjugate the majority on the globe. In terms of Ethics it is the NATO ruling capitalist classes which are the most badly behaved on the globe. In fact, they are a global axis of evil.

 This is why this court is directed mainly towards leaders of the former colonies so that they are made to conduct themselves according to the economic nature and desire of imperialism and neo - colonialism. For imperialism has no permanent friend but permanent interest.

Any leader in the world trusting NATO ruling classes will be in trouble. This is why they have now financed two presidential opposition candidates in Uganda whom they think they can mould into puppets so that if they can take over fower in Uganda imperialism will have a very big advantage over Uganda oil as those two opposition leaders shall also succeed in self-economic aggrandizement above the Uganda population as a whole.

 The call for defiance by these two pro-imperialist puppets is intended for creating a situation where imperialist forces will intervene under the cover of ameliorating the situation where Uganda will be turned into Libya or Iraq for oil.

This can be seen through the " PIO" design by a pro-imperialist manoeuverer  to cause riots which shall be turned into an excuse for external intervention. Such a person should be under custody and surveillance permanently and should not be allowed audience with any imperialist Embassy staff.

Uganda should remain a sovereign state and no leader of any kind on our territory should be subjected to any type of subjugation by an anti-people foreign power.

General Kale Kayihura, therefore, should just ignore the imperialist demand that he should be subjected to a pro-imperialist ICC.

The writer is a lecturer at the National Leadership Institute (NALI) in Kyankwanzi


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