Forest Whitaker helps Gulu's Kony war victims to hear

Apr 03, 2014

Academy Award winner Forest Whitaker was recently in Uganda to open up the world of sound to more than 1,400 people together with Starkey Foundation, a hearing foundation.

By Vision Reporter 

Academy Award winner Forest Whitaker was recently in Uganda where he helped open up the world of sound to more than 1,400 people together with Starkey Foundation, a hearing foundation.
Starkey Hearing Foundation travels the globe, delivering the transformative gift of hearing to people in need. 
"Whitaker’s passion for improving the lives of others and deep empathy for the young boys and men forced to fight in Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army showed throughout our hearing mission. During our time in Gulu, Hope North brought a group of 60 former soldiers who had all lost their hearing while forced to fight," said the Starkey Hearing Foundation newsletter.
Forest in Uganda recently. PHOTO BY
"Whitaker took his time with each soldier, making sure to hear their stories and understand the impact of hearing loss on their lives. Once a connection was developed, Whitaker, guided by Tani Austin, helped to give them back the gift of hearing."
"By providing the gift of hearing, we were able to further empowering many of them to achieve their full potential in life."
Whitaker was star in the film “The Last King of Scotland,” for which he won an Academy Award for portraying former Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.
"Throughout filming, he immersed himself in the history and culture of Uganda and formed a powerful friendship with Sam, founder of Hope North, an organization dedicated to educating and healing the young victims of Uganda’s civil war," the website reported in its March Newsletter.

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