Toro King Oyo reshuffles his cabinet

Mar 03, 2014

King Oyo Nyimba has reshuffled his cabinet, in changes which saw Kennedy Gusalire appointed finance minister.

By Dorcus Murungi

FORT PORTAL - King Oyo Nyimba of Toro kingdom has reshuffled his cabinet. The new cabinet was presented to the kingdom parliament on Friday by the Omuhikirwa (prime minister), Steven Kaliba.

In the changes,  Kennedy Gusalire was appointed finance minister, replacing Francis Mugenyi who was shifted to the water and environment portfolio.

The former kingdom regent, Rev. Richard Baguma was appointed culture minister to replace Harriet Nyakake who becomes the deputy kingdom prime minister and minister of clan mobilisation.

Amos Mugisa, formerly kingdom premier who resigned in 2012, was appointed minister for palace affairs.

Oyo also appointed new members of the kingdom land board, who were later approved by the Orukurato (parliament). For close to one year, the kingdom did not have a land board. This stalled the collection of revenue from squatters on kingdom land.

During the meeting, Oyo’s paternal aunt Princess Elizabeth Bagaya, presented to the Orukurato a copy of the amended kingdom constitution, which will be discussed in the next Orukurato session.

Oyo also directed the kingdom speaker Saul Mugasa and the prime minister to have the Orukurato members sit after every three months.

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