No member of the family is useless

Oct 11, 2013

As we celebrated Independence Day on October 9th, three words come to mind. They are independence, dependence and interdependence; which are different, although they sound similar.

As we celebrated Independence Day on October 9th, three words come to mind. They are independence, dependence and interdependence; which are different, although they sound similar.
Independence is the day we broke free from the control of the colonial masters. Independence means getting to a level of maturity where we can make our own decisions.
Does this concept apply to families? Yes, it does! Every child in the home must gain independence, which is the ability to stand on their own. 
As parents we should encourage independence of thought and ambition.
Independence is not enough. Families and nations also need dependence. Dependence is where many families start. A baby is dependent on its parents for survival. And through dependence they learn how to become independent.
This is because dependence nurtures them to be able to stand on their own. In the family, we experience dependence every day. Children depend on their parents for certain things. Parents depend on their children to perform certain duties.
Dependence is also good because it allows us to enjoy other people’s gifts. If a sister is good at cooking, then we can depend on her to prepare an excellent meal when we receive guests.
Finally, families must reach interdependence. This is where a family works as a system just as the body does. Each family member is independent, but at the same time interdependent.
This is where there is togetherness running through a family emotionally, financially and socially. 
Family members are benefiting from each other to become more successful and growth in what they do. 
Each family member is making contribution to the other. This kind of interdependence unites the family and ensures its success. 
No member of the family is useless. 
Every member is important and we need them to play their role.
So as we celebrate Independence, let us think of the independence, dependence and interdependence, a trinity of words that make our families successful.

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