Do herbs cure impotence?

Apr 11, 2012

Dear doctor, I am 29 years old. I have a weak erection and low sperm count, yet I eat well. Recently, I heard on radio someone from a herbal clinic advising people with a similar problem to use their herbal medicine

Dear doctor, I am 29 years old. I have a weak erection and low sperm count, yet I eat well. Recently, I heard on radio someone from a herbal clinic advising people with a similar problem to use their herbal medicine, saying it reactivates sex hormones. Can I try it out?  
Dear Alex,
The inability to achieve or maintain an erection or having a weak erection, is linked to psychological factors such as stress, depression, diseases like diabetes, nerve damage and other factors that may affect blood supply to the penis. 
It may require the services of a doctor to establish the real cause of your problem. However, over the years, some people in different countries have discovered natural herbs that can reduce stress, increase blood flow and restore sexual potency. Extract from leaves of maidenhair tree is said to improve blood circulation to the whole body.
This in turn reduces on fatigue, raising sexual desire and excitement. It also improves on impotency caused by depression.
 Although there is no clinical evidence to prove that cinnamon, ginger and cloves can cure impotence, ancient civilisations have been eating these spices as an aphrodisiac to warm up blood and increase its circulation to the genitals. Concoctions of  ambrina and cnidium monnier are said to increase libido and sustain longer erections.
Some of these herbs work as aphrodisiacs and are said to be potent sexual enhancers. In some countries, they are regarded as effective herbal viagra that stimulate multiple orgasms and a means to cure both erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and increase stamina in both men and women.
Questions answered by Dr. Herbert Mugarura
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