How organisations can better the lives of workers

Feb 22, 2012

A community can be of ants, birds, elephants, chimpanzees. A community of instinctive beings void of economic activities and practice.

By Kajabago-ka-Rusoke

A community can be of ants, birds, elephants, chimpanzees.  A community of instinctive beings void of economic activities and practice. 

They are, therefore, neither spiritual nor intellectual because their biological structures and make up would not allow them to pick on stones or sticks, turning those into articles for putting in place other items for use.

Because they lack the character of ownership of articles, they therefore lack a category which would have allowed them to be social.  This fundamentally means who would be owning and who would not?  And if there is any meaning in owning who would be utilizing that very owned article? 

In short, a community of biological beings becomes social when they own property for economic production for making a living.  Living means possessing a house, food and dresses.  None of these can be obtained in isolation.

All must work together to achieve what each wants.  Because of participation by all for each and each for all we become social.  As a result of being practically social, we develop social consciousness; we become economically and spiritually purposive in a combination and in common.

Before the rise of socio-economic classes, society was governed through historically accumulated socio-economic customs, habits, traditional norms and consensus, all under overall mutual social cooperation. 

Time came when there arose socio-economic classes.  These disintegrated traditional, collectivistic behaviour and social set-up putting in place a split society between classes based on mutual mistrust, mutual antagonism and economic inequality. 

This has continued up to now when units of economic production are in the hands of a few groups of people employing many others in each unit and paying them not in proper proportions of the values of the very items they produce for consumption by the public.

Instead, the very people who produce items for consumption do not have any right to debate how the value of what they produce should be shared between them and person who invited them. The person who invited them monopolises the selling and marketing of the items.

Corruption begins right from the very start of the imbalance between the employer and the employee. There is constantly the administering of injustice all the way through in society. 

This is the foundation on which one should begin talking about the need for hu-man-hu-woman rights as should be determined through the economic base and be reflected through the superstructure putting in place a transparent socio-economic formation.

The only main areas within which to operate and be able to put in place a correct society are the economic base and the superstructure.

The economic base must be equipped with modern equipment taking into account the welfare and protection of workers in all sectors of production.

As economic beings, workers have spiritual life. It is inevitable that after work, they are already tired and weary. But from time to time, they should have their spiritual life attended to.

Music, drama, TV, radio listening, sport, (football, ping-pong/table tennis), tennis, swimming, volley ball, should be considered and provided for in order to have the workers not just exist but really live as these will really boost morale then make and turn labour into a more meaningful social activity for both the worker as well as the employer.

These will demand social centers or Houses of Get-together for either entertainment or discussions.

Further more, there is a general need for raising the level of social consciousness of the working population in both country and town right from the micro unit of an animal farm, garden, plantation, mine, ranch, fishing, factory, plant, forwarding and warehouse up to a national level.

How is this  to be done?
Establish a national Labour college.

Organise courses for all workers.

Workers should unite under one National Labour Movement.

The National Labour Movement should have branches according to the nature and type of economic units in which various  workers are employed.

The National Labour College should engage in and, teach, Political and Labour Education to all workers, based on a pro-people ideology.

This will enable workers to realise themselves as the chief productive forces in the entire national economic base, boost their labour morale to be more responsible people in terms of protecting all items intended for production in all economic units that constitute their country’s entire economic base. They then will turn into patriots,-matriots –youth riots.

All that has been laid down above in terms of economic base and superstructure constitute society.

But society requires leaders.

Leadership reflects the aspirations of the very class from which those leaders come and belong to.

People determine and make their own history.

People therefore must be made to be constantly coherent with a positive singleness of purpose for continuity.

In order to make people correctly coherent within a coherent people’s territory the whole national territory must be flooded with councils from village to village, town to town.

Each and every economic unit in country and town must have a political council, which council must relate and link the people to the nature of their national state apparatus according to the type of political group in whose hands the state apparatus is class-wise.

The class-nature of the ruling elite is important to scrutinize. Because there is that which is patriotic-matriotic and therefore pro-people but there is that which is using the state and government offices to do their own business and just become rich on their own against the ordinary people.

The council system is the best where Landlords, Landladies, anti-people businessmen and women using government offices can be got rid of.

On top of all these put together, there must be a revolutionary People’s Party with a revolutionary scientific theory to guide the people – A Vanguard people’s Party.

The subject matter of science is observation, experimentation and, proof.

Without this type of guidance, there shall be blind practice.

For some people shall not know what happened.  When they come to know what happened, they will not know how it happened and why.  They will have been victims of blind practice and qualified ignoramuses.

Stop conservatism.  There is not such a phenomenon like motionlessness either in nature or society. Everything is undergoing motion.  Let us move.

When cold water is turned into warm water that is reform.  When it is boiled, that is further reform.  When it is turned into vapour, that is revolution.  For its properties change.  Neither salt nor sugar can dissolve into vapour but will dissolve in any type of water. Such is revolution.

And in society, it is when one economic system is overthrown and another put in its place, is when a revolution is realized.

Forward ever and backward never. 

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