It’s fanatics at Mengo who have caused problems for Buganda!

Oct 27, 2003

SIR— I agree with Joel Lugoloobi’s letter of October 27 about blood being thicker than water and that Baganda should stand by their kind <br>and offer advice as necessary.

SIR— I agree with Joel Lugoloobi’s letter of October 27 about blood being thicker than water and that Baganda should stand by their kind
and offer advice as necessary.

However, I do not agree that
all the people he mentions
have fallen out of favour
with the central Government.

For instance, I believe that Besweri Mulondo and Kakooza Mutale have not fallen out of favour.

For Mulondo, he has until recently served this country as chairman of
the Uganda Land Commission
and voluntarily retired and rightfully so, after serving the country in similar matters for over 50 years.

Obviously he fell out of favour with some elements of the Mengo establishment but not the central government.

As for Mutale, his case is still
in court and is over a technicality involving the Inspector General of Government who is just an entity in
the central Government.

We cannot, however,
blame the Baganda for these attitudes. Rather we should blame the leaders at Mengo, who allow the fanatics among them to dominate the policy of this institution which Baganda hold in high esteem and usually take whatever is released from it as gospel truth and desirable behaviour.

E. Jjunju

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