If she asks: Should we move in together?

Oct 23, 2009

SHE has been spending nights at your place. One day, (and she has been thinking about it a lot), she asks whether you should move in together because the weight of carrying around extra clothes in her bag is taking a toll on her.

By Raphael Okello

SHE has been spending nights at your place. One day, (and she has been thinking about it a lot), she asks whether you should move in together because the weight of carrying around extra clothes in her bag is taking a toll on her.

Anyway, if you have been thinking about it as well, get into ruptures as you tell her everything you imagine you would enjoy about living together.

But if you would rather keep the status quo, Sarah Miller, a relationship author and counsellor, suggests you be specific while expressing your reservations.

“Tell her you have always lived with girlfriends and want some time to live on your own. Bring up pursuits - writing, meditation - that require some solitude, but make sure you are already involved in them,” advises Miller.

In other words, do not say, “Er, I need time alone to practice my guitar when you do not even love music.”

Remember, guys, she could be reading this article as well, so expect anything.

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