Taste the uniqueness of the yellow oleander

Dec 11, 2009

The yellow oleander is visibly unique and beautiful. However, its stem oozes a milky poisonous sap if damaged and its seeds are toxic

THE yellow oleander, which is scientifically known as Thevetia peruviana, is such a fascinating plant.
The name Thevetia comes after Andre` Thevet (1502-1590), a French missionary, who collected plants in South America.

Oleander has glossy dark green leaves with fragrant saffron yellow or orange flowers. It can grow into a small tree of 3m if left alone. It is commonly used as a hedge and its decorative yellow flowers add to its uniqueness.

All parts of the plant are poisonous. The stem oozes a milky poisonous sap if damaged while the seeds are toxic with a substance which is a heart stimulant.

Eating oleander seeds or leaves is a common cause of accidental poisoning.

In Sri Lanka, cases of attempted suicide with oleander were extremely rare before 1980. During that year, two girls intentionally killed themselves after eating the seeds.

The practice suddenly became so popular that the number of cases admitted to Jaffna Hospital is reported to have increased to 103 in 1983 from zero in 1979. The yellow oleander has the following features:

Growth: Fast.
Flower: Yellow.
Scent: None.
Light: Full sunshine.
Water: Can stand long periods of drought.
Prunning: If required.
Propagation: Stem cuttings.


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